我国商业银行个人贷款 业务的现状与发展研究.doc

我国商业银行个人贷款 业务的现状与发展研究.doc

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我国商业银行个人贷款 业务的现状与发展研究

我国商业银行个人贷款业务发展研究 摘 要 我国商业银行个人贷款业务起步于上世纪80年代,虽然与发达国家个人贷款业务相比起步较晚,发展较为落后,但是近几年来,随着生活水平的提高,居民愈发接受了个人贷款消费的消费理念,个人贷款业务的市场不断扩大。面对国内巨大的个人贷款市场,我国的商业银行也越来越重视零售业务的发展,个人贷款业务正逐步成为我国商业银行业务发展的重点和利润增长点,其重要性正日益提升。由于起步较晚,并且受经济制度,信用体制的影响,我国商业银行的个人贷款业务仍处于探索与发展阶段,不论是在业务的发展环境还是业务本身来说,都存在着一定的问题与不足,这些都限制了个人贷款业务稳定的发展。本文通过对美国为例的发达国家个人贷款业务特点的研究,进一步探索我国商业银行个人贷款业务现阶段的发展现状,并提出了所存在问题,进而根据不足之处提出几点改进建议。 本文的研究重点主要在于以下三点:一. 通过对美国的个人贷款业务所在环境与业务本身特点的分析,突出发达国家个人贷款业务的显著优势以及我国可借鉴之处。二.以个人贷款业务中的个人消费贷款为主要研究对象,分析我国商业银行个人贷款业务的发展及现状,并提出不足之处。三.就如何完善个人贷款业务,根据所存在的问题,提出了几点建议措施,为了更好的发展我国商业银行的个人贷款业务,我国商业银行应采取实行分类指导,扩大客户需求;完善信用制度;拓展其他类个人贷款业务;改进业务流程,提升服务水平;加强管理力度,控制个贷风险等措施。 关键词:商业银行;个人贷款;信用;贷款风险 ABSTRACT Commercial banks’ personal loan business in our country began in 1980’s. Although compared with developed country, our personal loan business has a late start, recently, with the increasing of residents’ income and the improving of their life quality, residents in our country gradually accept a sense of consumption by credit loan. Thus the market of personal loan in our country is increasing day by day. Under this potential market, commercial banks in China pay more attention on development of retail business. Personal loan business becomes the focus of business development in commercial bank and the point in having profit. We can see this business is playing a more significant role in bank. For the reason of late beginning and restriction from economy policy and credit construction, personal loan business in China is still in the process of exploring and developing and there are lots of problems and shortages existing, both from the aspects of finance environment and the personal loan business itself. My study compared our country’s personal loan business with that of developed country, in which I take United States for example. Then I examine the situation of our personal loan business both in history and in current, from which, I point out different problems existing in China’s commercial bank loan business. Final


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