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Process Mapping 制作流程图 确立所绘流程的范围(起点,终点及界限) 用头脑风暴法列出流程中的所有行动并分类,归为支流程 将所有的行动排序(最多20步) 在纸张的左边列出所有有关职能 将分支流程从左到右按时间顺序排列,并将分支流程步骤和相应部门对应起来 Define Scope (beginning/end boundaries) of process to be mapped Brainstorm all process activities, then group by sub-processes Identify sequence of activities (limit to 20 sub-process steps) List Functions involved down left-hand side of paper Map sub-process steps from left to right in the order they occur while identifying all functions involved with each sub-process step. PROPRIETARY ? 2001 Thomas Group, Inc., All Rights Reserved Process Mapping Guidelines 流程图制作指南 Arrows always go left to right ! 箭头总是从左到右 Process Step 流程步骤 Inventory 积压/库存 Starts Control 启动控制 Non-deterministic process step 不确定流程步骤 流程中重复情况的表示法: Show reiteration like this: 批准? Approved ? 是 Yes 重复从X到Y的流程, Repeat previous process from X to Y 否 No 流程中决策的表示法: Show decisions like this: 批准? Approved ? 是 Yes 否 No 或者 or 颜色2 Color 2 红色 Red 兰色 Blue 橙色 Orange Mapping Symbol Guidelines 图标指南 Customer Need ID Quotation Purchase Order Sales Order Order Entry Backlog Ship Schedule Production Forecast Production Plan Build Inventory Pick/Pack/Ship Bill Purchase Material Receive Make to Order Path Make to Forecast Path Conventional Map - Fulfillment Process 传统流程图- 订单履行流程 Look at Total Process across the organization 以跨部门的眼光看整个流程 物资需求计划 生产 采购 供应商 原料定购 原料出货 接受原料 生产配件 组装 测试 包装 重做 好 不好 接受 运输/仓储 客户 计划 成品库存 产品订单 运输产品 收货 TCT Process Map - Fulfillment Process (Make-to-Order) 总周期时间式流程图-订单履行流程(按订单生产) Mapping Numbering Guidelines 制作序号的指南 Numbering is used to indicate the Process Step of the Process Map. For ease of reference: Level 1 Process Map Process Step Numbering starts with 1.0 , 2.0, ……. Level 2 Process Map Process Step Numbering starts with 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ……. Level 3 Process Map Process Step Numbering starts with 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, ….. The Numbering concept extends to the required detailed of


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