管理经济学(长江商学院 陶志刚) ppt课件.ppt

管理经济学(长江商学院 陶志刚) ppt课件.ppt

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管理经济学(长江商学院 陶志刚) ppt课件

* * * * * * * * 12 Activities then allow you to examine relative costs and relative WTP Take the cost side first, and use the snack cake example to illustrate basic steps Start with own costs, broken down by activity (or set of activities) Explore and assign cost drivers (observables) Build up competitor’s costs item by item. Typically requires a fair amount of competitor analysis, insight from functional managers and sales people who encounter the competition Perform sniff-test Hostess picture. Contrast with Little Debbie 72 cents vs. 34 cents (inexpensive r.m., bulk, natl scale, preserv--deliveries, no promotions) Others not so discouraging * 13 Analysis of WTP through market research. Highly analytical, apparently scientific BLACK ART But can get important insights from even simple approaches Hostess example Without fancy analysis, can see problem: Hostess doesn’t stand out on any attribute Can map back to relative costs, if you look carefully at components of cost Savoy freshness underexploited, distracted by diversification * Rhodes’ mines promise not to sell to anybody else. (along with point #1) * Source: AUSJ, July 15,2004, P.A4 * Source: Economist, December 9th,2001. P.59 * poverty line for a family of three: $13,861 (2001) September 24, 2003: law suits on behalf of 1.6 million women who have worked at Wal-mart since 1998 for sex discrimination * Ask students about Tsingtao Beer * German beer: no marketing allowed * Franchising (Bai Tao) SOE v. private enterprises (Bai, Li, Tao, and Wang) Reform of SOEs (Bai, Lu, Tao) Similar to franchising but not really Two features of franchising; no “hostage” for Starbucks * 弹性是个 比率 ? 跟度量单位无关 负数,因为更高的价格 引起 需求数量的减少 弹性范围 有弹性需求:价格弹性 -1 无弹性需求 :价格弹性 -1 * If demand is inelastic, then seller should raise price: revenue will increase -- sales will fall, but proportionately less than price increase costs will fall (because selling fewer items) profit will rise Formula directly specifies incremental mar


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