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Chapter 1 Molecular Genetics 第一章 分子遗传学基础;;Experiments prove that DNA is the molecule of heredity 实验证明DNA是遗传物质;Transformation experiment 肺炎球菌的转化实验;Streptococus pneumoniae 肺炎球菌;Transformation experiment with pneumonia 肺炎球菌感染小鼠实验;A diagram of the experiment that demonstrated that DNA is the active material in bacterial transformation 证明DNA是细菌转化活性物质试验图示;Transfection experiment with bacteriophage T2 T2噬菌体的侵染实验(I);T2噬菌体的侵染实验(II);Experiment with tabauo mosaic virus (TMV) 烟草花叶病毒感染试验;Key points: The genetic information of living organisms is stored in deoxyriboncleic acid (DNA). In some viruses, ribonucleic acid (RNA) is the genetic material 要点:生物的遗传信息储存在DNA上。在某些病毒中,RNA 是遗传物质。 ; 通过什么实验证实DNA是遗传物质?还有别的证据说明这一结论吗?;Nucleic acids 核酸;Structure of nucleic acids 核酸的结构;双螺旋的发现—一场激烈的竞赛;Size of genome基因组大小; Nucleic acids are macromolecules composed of repeating subunits called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of (1) a phosphate group, (2) a five-carbon sugar (pentose), and (3) a cyclic nitrogen-containing compound called a base. DNA的基本组成单位是脱氧核苷酸。每个脱氧核苷酸含有一个碱基,一个脱氧核糖和一个磷酸基。;碱基结构式;Chargaff法则;Watson和Crick在自然上发表的论文;The Watson-Crick double-helix DNA双螺旋结构模型要点;;糖-磷酸基团骨架(黑色)以及碱基(彩色);DNA双螺旋横断面; RNA 的基本结构单位是核苷酸,它由 含氮碱基(A、G、C、U),核糖和磷酸 基构成。 ;含氮碱基(A、G、C、U)和核酸;RNA的分类;DNA和RNA结构上有何异同?;Key points;The complementarity of the two strands of a double helix makes DNA uniquely suited to store and transmit genetic information from generation to generation双螺旋中两股链的互补使DNA特别适合存储与在世代间传递遗传信息 The two strands of a double helix have opposite chemical polarity双螺旋中两股链有着相反的化学极性 RNA usually exists as a single-stranded molecule RNA通常以单股分子的形式存在;Testing your knowledge;Gene structure基因结构;Evolution of the concept of the gene: summary;(b)Typical eukaryotic gene典型的真核生物基因; The concept of the gene has undergone many refinements since its discovery by Mendel in 1866. Most genes encode one polypeptide and can be operationally defined by the complementation test 从1866年孟德尔定律发现以来基因的概


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