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I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a r k e t i n g Foreign Acquisitions of U.S. Companies Exhibit 1.1 Selected U.S. Companies and Their International Sales International Marketing Performance of business activities designed to Plan Price Promote, and Direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit The International Marketing Task Exhibit 1.3 Environmental Adaptation Ability to effectively interpret the influence and impact of the culture in which you hope to do business Cultural adjustments Establish a frame of reference Avoid measuring and assessing markets against the fixed values and assumptions of your own culture Environmental Adaptation (Examples) Color of Mourning - Westerner: Black (White considers bridal dress) - Easterner: White Raise a hand and make a circle with the thumb and forefinger (like zero) - In US: OK - In France: Zero / Worthless - In Japan: Money [See the photographs at Page 14] The Self-Reference Criterion and Ethnocentrism The key to successful international marketing is adaptation to the environmental differences from one market to another Primary obstacles to success in international marketing SRC Associated ethnocentrism SRC and Ethnocentrism SRC is an unconscious reference to One’s own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions Dangers of the SRC Failing to recognize the need to take action Discounting the cultural differences that exist among countries Reacting to a situation in an offensive to your hosts Ethnocentrism Nation that one’s own culture or company knows best SRC and Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism and the SRC can influence an evaluation of the appropriateness of a domestically designed marketing mix for a foreign market The most effective way to control the influence of ethnocentrism and the SRC is to recognize their effects on our behavior The Self-Reference Criterion and Ethnocentrism (Examples) C


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