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* * * * * * The College Entrance Examination And School Life [2009年]大框架不变,要调也是微调   “2009年的高考考生都已经考完了小高考,所以要大改是不可能的。”昨天,教育部门有关负责人告诉记者,高考政策有一定的延续性,目前已经明确的是,2009年高考模式不会变,也就是说“3+学业水平测试+综合素质评价”总体框架不会动。2009年要变的只是操作层面上的一些调整,他告诉记者,但是2010年方案的调整可能会稍微大些。   B等比例可能调至60~70%   高考分数很高,可是选测科目等级却不高,今年高考中出现了不少这样的“C型考生”。在明年的高考中,如何避免这类考生再次大批出现,这是2009年高考方案调整的焦点问题。“据了解,原来选测科目的B级是前50%,但明年这个比例可能会上调。”一位业内人士透露,可能会调到60%至70%左右。此外,还有一个办法就是,不再对报考公办本科院校设置2B的“门槛”,而是由各个高校自己决定各自的选测科目要求。 There’re so many differences between Denmark and China in the college Entrance Examinations. In addition, different provinces have different programs. So today I will introduce the new program in Jiangsu Province. The Introduction About the College Entrance Examination Effects It can balance all subjects, which makes students more interested in their studies. Students can choose their favorite subjects according to their own interests and hobbies. Students have to devote themselves to all subjects and therefore it is a burden for students. Some students who fail in a subject are not admitted to universities. The life Of Senior 3 Students The Different Expression Before Taking the Examinations The Dream Of College School activities in China Now, I am going to talk something about activities in our school.first,I will show you some pictures about our art festival. dance recite our school gymnastic team won the first place at the city-wide competition once. Sports event Crazy fans Being trained as soldiers Time table 6:00 Wakeup time 6:20-6:40 Bording students jogging time ????????? Day students breakfast 6:40-7:00 Breakfast for boarders ????????? Day students on the way to school 7:15-7:35 Morning study 7:35-11:55 Morning lessons, 5 periods 11:55-12:20 Lunch time 12:20-1:00 Break time 1:00-3:20 Afternoon lessons, 4 periods 3:20-3:40 break 4:00-5:30 Night lessons 5:30-6:10 Dinner 6:30-7:40 Boarders study time?????????? 7:00-11:00 Homework period for day students 7:40-8:00 Break 8:00-9:20 Boarde


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