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摘要 建筑业作为国民经济的支柱产业,在我国经济建设中发挥着举足轻重的作用。建筑工程质量既是社会关注的热点,又是各级建设行政主管部门管理的重点所在。因此,如何保证建筑施工的安全,确保施工高质量的完成,成为影响经济发展进程的一个重要因素。 本文以国家行业标准《建筑施工安全检查标准》(JGJ59-99)为依据开发可以应用于实际工程中的工程建设施工日常安全生产管理系统。开发工具使用PowerBuilder9.0和SQL Server 2000,实现对《建筑施工安全检查标准》中检查项目结果的录入、存储、查询和对比功能,并可以根据检查结果对总体的安全生产等级做出评估。 系统可以帮助施工企业实施对施工情况检查和安全评估的规范化管理,也可以为管理人员的决策制定提供帮助。对提高施工企业的安全管理水平、促进安全文明生产、提高企业在建筑市场的竞争力、降低伤亡事故率和防止事故发生可以起到积极的作用。 本文第一章主要讲述课题的目的和意义。第二章为系统分析和数据库设计。第三章为系统实现过程。第四章为总结与展望。 关键词: 建筑施工 检查标准 安全管理 数据库 Abstract The architecture industry , is playing a prominent role in our national economy as one of the pillar industry properties. Construction quality has become a hot issue to the society as well as the key factor government focuses on. How to guarantee the safety and the quality of the construction has became a crucial factor affect the process of economy developmnet. Based on the national industry standardConstruction Safety Inspection Standards, this thesis created a construction safety management system which can be applied to the real construction. This system,exploited by PowerBuilder9.0 and SQL Server 2000, fulfilled functions such as import, storage, query and comparison, as well as evaluating the construction safety level base on the inspection results. The syetem described in this thesis can help the construction enterprises in the normative management of construction and the evaluation of construction safety,also can help the manager in decision making. This system can also improve the safety management of the construction enterprises, improve the competitiveness of the enterprises in the construction market, reduce the rate of casualties and prevent incidents. In this paper, the first chapter focuses on the purpose and meaning. of the subject. Chapter II analysis the syetem and design the database. Chapter III is the process of system achieving. Chapter IV includes the summary and outlook. Keywords: construction inspection standards safety management databas


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