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本科学生毕业设计 基于Microsoft Speech SDK5.1 语音识别系统的研究与实现 系部名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 全国文件打印最低T The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors Degree Research?and?Development?of?Speech? Recognition?Based?on Microsoft?Speech?SDK5.1 Candidate: Specialty: Class: Supervisor: 摘 要 计算机语音技术在我国兴起不久,仍处于发展阶段,但其在计算机领域的应用随着科学技术的发展将起到重要作用。计算机语音技术包括四大分支:即语音分析技术、语音存储与再生技术、语音识别技术和语音合成技术。语音识别技术就是让机器通过识别和理解过程把语音信号转变为相应的文本或命令的高级技术。语音识别以语音为研究对象,它是语音信号处理的一个重要研究方向,是模式识别的一个分支,涉及到生理学、心理学、语言学、计算机科学以及信号处理等诸多领域,甚至还涉及到人的体态语言(如人在说话时的表情、手势等行为动作可帮助对方理解),其最终目标是实现人与机器进行自然语言通信。 关键词:语音识别(SR);HMM;组件对象模型(COM);Microsoft Speech SDK5.1 ABSTRACT Computer voice technology in the near future the emergence of China, is still in development stage, but its application in the computer industry with the development of science and technology will play an important role. Computer voice technology, including the four major branches: the voice analysis, voice storage and renewable technologies, speech recognition technology and speech synthesis technology. Voice recognition technology is to allow the machine by identifying and understanding the process of the voice signal into the appropriate text or order of the High Technology. Voice for speech recognition research, it is the voice signal processing as an important research direction is a branch of pattern recognition, related to physiology, psychology, linguistics, computer science, as well as in many fields such as signal processing, and even relate to people the body language (such as peoples faces when they speak, gestures, movements, etc. can help to understand each other), its ultimate goal is the realization of man and machine communication in natural language. Research and explore of speech recognition technology has far-reaching significance and broad prospects. In this paper, speech recognition technol


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