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生物信息技术方向人才培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Bioinformatics Specialty ( National Education Base of Life Science and Technology ) 一、培养目标 I.Educational Objectives “生命科学与技术人才培养基地”以生物信息技术及其在创新药物中的应用为特色,面向医药生物技术产业,培养具有国际竞争能力和创新创业能力的高层次复合型专业人才。 The National Education Base of Life Science Technology, characterized by bioinformatics and its application in medical innovation, is dedicated in fostering competitive, creative senior multi-oriented professional. 二、基本规格要求 II.Skills Profile 本“基地”学生应掌握生物信息与创新药物方向的专业知识和技能,熟悉新药研发的过程和技术。本科毕业生能够运用生物信息技术参与新药研究与开发工作,能够在科技成果转化及产业化过程中发挥技术骨干作用。 The students are expected to possess the specialty and skills of bioinformatics and medicine, and to know well the process and technique of development of medicine. The Graduates are expected to be qualified with medical research and development with bioinformatics, and to play a sole part in transformation and industrialization of the research results. 本“基地”的本科毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 具有优良的政治思想品德,高尚的职业道德,健康的身心素质。 熟练掌握一门外语,本科毕业生能熟练阅读外文专业文献,具有基本的外文撰写能力及参与国际交流的语言应用能力。 具有较扎实的数理化基础理论知识和技能。 具有很强的计算机应用能力和获取信息的能力。 掌握生命科学、生物技术、基础医学和药学的基本理论、知识和技能。 By the time of graduation, the students of the program are required to possess: Excellent moral characteristics in politics, noble professional morality and healthy quality in both physical and psychological extent; Command of at least one foreign language: the graduates are required to fluently read foreign literature, and be able to write and communicate with people in a foreign language; Solid foundation in mathematics, physics and chemistry; Adaptable computer using and accessibility of information; Command of the basic theories, knowledge and skills of life science, biotechnology and medicine. 三、培养特色 III. Characteristics 生物信息技术及其在创新药物中的应用 Bioinformatics and its application in medical innovation. 四. 主干学科 IV. Major Disciplines 生物信息学 Bioinformatics, 生命科学 Life Science,计算机科学 Computer Science 五、学制与学位 V.Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限:四年 Duration:4 years 授予学位:可授予


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