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16 6 V o.l 16, No. 6 2007 12 JOURNA L OF NATURAL D ISA STER S Dec. 2007 : 1004- 4574 ( 2007 06- 0070- 04 1, 2 1 3 尹洪峰 , 冯志仁 , 薄景山 ( 1. , 150080; 2. , 130031; 3. , 06520 1 : , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : P642. 22 : A Stability analysis of Luozha landslide byM eigu R iver 1, 2 1 3 Y IN H ong-feng , FENG Zh -i ren , BO J ing-shan ( 1. In stitute of Engin eeringM echan ics, Ch ina Earthquake A dm in is tration, H arb in 150080, Ch in a; 2. N orthEast E lectron ic P ow er D esign Inst itu te; Ch angchun 130031, Ch ina; 3. In stitute of D isaster Preven t ion Science and T echnology, Sanhe 06520 1, Ch ina Abstract: T he threat of landslides in reservo ir area to the w ater conservancy project is emphasized by geo log ists. A lthough there are m any reasons w hich can cau se the slope to slide, the w ater storage o f reservo ir is a m ajor reason. There are m any v iewpo ints about the stability assessm ent of landslides, and how the right one can be chosen from m any v iew po in ts is very mi portant. Based on the care fu l field-w ork and qua litat ive analysis, th is paper presents a series o f ca lculation m ethod and correspond ing assessm ent resu lt about stability analysis o f Luozha landslide by M e igu R iver. K eywords: landslide; stab ility; analysis eva luation , / 0, 3 km , , , 7. 2 km : , , , , 1 1. 1 , 1 2, 4 m : 2007- 09- 18; : 2007- 12- 07 : ( 1968- , , , . E-m ail: yh f_68@ 163. co


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