英语阅读能力提升I Paragraph organizaton.ppt

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英语阅读能力提升I Paragraph organizaton

Paragraph Function Encouraging Sayings The?important?thing?in?life?is?to?have?a?great?aim,?and?the?determination?to?attain?it.?(Goethe) 人生重要的在于确立一个伟大的目标,并有决心使其实现。(歌德) To?live?is?to?function.?That?is?all?there?is?in?living.?(Holmes) 活着就要发挥作用,这就是生活的全部内容。(霍姆斯) Man?can?only?be?free?through?mastery?of?himself.?(S.?E.?Morison) 只有通过掌握自己,才能使自己得到解放。(莫里森)? Reading Paragraphs Structure of a Paragraph Three elements: topic main idea supporting details Questions usually asked: What is the author talking about? (topic) What is the point (idea) the author is making about the topic?/what does the author want to say about the topic? (main idea) How does the author support or prove the point? (supporting details) Finding Topics The topic is the subject under discussion. It is the person, thing, place, event or experience most frequently mentioned or referred to in the paragraph. From Topic to Main Idea Main idea is the central message or the point of the paragraph. It is the general thought expressed by the author about the topic. Without a main idea, the sentences in a paragraph would go in so many different directions that the paragraph wouldn’t make sense. In effect, it would be a list of individual points. Example Cats and dogs are both popular pets, but cats are nicer than dogs in some ways. First of all, cats are cleaner. They stay very clean and they do not make the house dirty. Cats are also quieter than dogs. They usually do not make a lot of noise. Cats are safer, too. Dogs sometimes bite people, but cats almost never do. And finally, cats are easier to take care of. You do not have to spend much time with a cat. In fact, many cats prefer to be alone. What is the passage about? A. Animals B. Cats C. Dogs D. Cats and dogs What main idea does the author want to express in the passage? Cats are cleaner than dogs. Cats are quieter and safer than dogs. Cats are nicer than dogs in some ways. Dogs are difficult to take care of. With a huge white horn pla


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