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轻型载货汽车设计(离合器总成设计) 摘 要 对于以内燃机为动力的汽车,离合器在机械传动系中是作为一个独立的总成而存在的,它是汽车传动系中直接与发动机相连接的总成。如何合理、高效、快捷地设计离合器一直是国内外离合器厂家追求的目标。 本设计的任务是轻型载货汽车离合器设计,经过充分的论证分析,结合已知参数,采用了单片、干式中央螺旋弹簧离合器。压紧弹簧采用圆柱弹簧,并且布置在离合器的周围。这样可选较大的杠杆比,因此可得到足够的压紧力。对于设计离合器最主要的部分,则是对选取的方案和基本参数进行计算和优化,以达到最佳设计效果。最后的关节是设计离合器操纵机构,主要是对它的结构形式的考虑,从而对其主要尺寸进行必要的计算。 本次设计的主要工作内容有:简要介绍了汽车离合器的机构形式与设计计算方法,简述了汽车离合器的结构形式及选择,分析了离合器的结构方案;选择并优化了离合器参数;对于离合器的每个主要部件进行了设计计算;对重要零件的强度进行了相应的校核计算。并且在说明书中提供了详细计算依据、步骤和计算数据。 本次设计中,本着严谨求实的原则,并力求在结构元件中有所创新,设计出更符合汽车发展要求的离合器。 关键词:压紧机构,离合器,压紧弹簧,杠杆比 ABSTRACT For the automobile with the dynamic of internal-combustion engine, clutch is as one of independent assembly existence in mechanical drive department, which is the assembly directly attached to the engine in automotive transmission. How to reasonably, effectively and speedily design clutch always is the pursuing destination of all clutch factories. The mission of this project is to design clutch for light truck. According the Specific parameters of the driving system and necessary reasoning, biplate-dry type coil clutch is adopted. A taper sprung by way of hold down spring is adopted, and disposal in the center of clutch. Owe to optional major lever ratio, it could get adequate packing force. Toward design clutch up most part,then. Rub size and working pressure wait proceed know clearly preliminary select,ascertain know clearly preliminary scheme as well against last joint. Both it be disk brake figure,primarily versus thereof stress and moment uniform instance proceed analyses and count,with met the needs of retard behavioural up in the form of met the needs of retard behavioural. At retard driven mechanism middle,primarily analyses, select driven mechanism select driven mechanism form,and branch system form,combine versus among others some parameter to make calculation as well for. The process of designing and the calculating the clutch is listed as follows: This design indicated institution form of automotive clutch and design methods, indicate


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