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Filariasis Etiology and route of infection Pathogenesis and morphology tuberuloid granuloma acute filariasis and chronic filariasis centrifugal lymphangioitis filarial erysipelatous dermatitis Lymphotics Lymph noditis lymph edema elephantiasis iridocyclitis , optic neuritis , optic nerve hemorrhage Echinococcosis Etiology and Pathogenesis Morphology Morphology of organs Hydatidocystis of liver Hydatidocystis of lung Alveococcosis Etiology and Pathogenesis Morphology Chapter 19 Human Parasitosis Peking Union Medical College Hospital Lu Zhaohui Central South University XiangYa School of Medicine Wen Jifang Definition human parasitosis is a diseases caused by the pathogen of parasites Source of infection, route of transmission and susceptible population Regional Seasonal Activity of the natural foci Amoebiasis Amoebiasis is a human parasitosis mostly caused by entamoeba histolyticaIntestinal amoebiasis Amoebic liver abscess Amoebic pulmonary abscess Amoebic cerebral abscess Intestinal amoebiasis Pathogenesis mechanical injury and phagocytosis Contact lysis Cyto-toxic Bacterial Susceptibility Immune suppression and Immune escape Morphology Location: firstly involves cecum, colon ascendens, secondly sigmoid colon and rectum, in some cases involve the whole colon and inferior segment of small intestine flask shaped ulcer Acute phase Chronic phase Acute Phase Gross Yellowish spotty necrosis/ulcer Swelling, edema and bleeding zone Map necrosis, filled with yellowish-brown mucous purulence substance Histology liquefaction necrosis, only minor inflammation nearby Large amoebic trophozoite can be seen in the juncture of necrosis and normal tissue vacant space around trophozoite Chronic Phase Mixture of fresh and old lesion Necrosis, ulcer with proliferation epithelial proliferation and polyp Fibrous proliferation, scar, thicken and harden of the enteric wall, stricture of enteric cavity Amoebic liver abscess Amoeba trophozoite penetrate the vein of ente



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