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Day, night Sun, moon Cold, heat Male, female Father, son Boss, employee Stomach, gall bladder, intestine, unitary bladder Spleen, Liver, lung, heart, kidney Solid, hollow Odd number, even number Case Study Lin Daiyu’s death and the prevention and treatment of her disease Early symptom with lung cancer Fanjin’s story The result of anger The treatment of diseases with different Zang-viscera Please list some differences between Chinese and western medicine Philosophy--Man and nature being in harmony Holistic view—a doctor treat all diseases; treating a country; human Treat the undiseased Diagnosis by communication more abstract—channels and callaterals Self-recovery of body; medicine function to regulate only Individualized medicine Herbal medicine Food as medicine Good at chronic disease Dynamic way of looking at diseases Man conquering nature Analytic view—hospital is divided into small sections; look at disease locally Treat the diseased By facilities more concrete—organs that can be seen Recovery with external force Uniform medicine for same symptom Synthetic medicine Good at acute dieseases Static way… Discussion Will TCM play a more and more important role in the future? How should TCM improve and expand its influence? Useful Expressions 诊断 中医;中医学 综合病症 中草药 气色 穴位 针灸 灸术 按摩 Diagnose; diagnosis Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Herbal medicine Complexion Acupuncture points Acupuncture Moxibustion massage 拔火罐 食疗 刮痧 辨证论治 望闻问切 Cupping therapy Diet or food therapy Guasha; scraping Treatment based on syndrome differentiation Inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry, and palpation; to obeserve, hear and smell, ask about the background, and read or feel the pulse 《黄帝内经》 《神农本草经》 《本草纲目》 阴阳 五行 实 虚 The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Interior Medicine Shennong’s Canon of Herbs The Compendium of Materia Medica Yin and yang Five elements Excess or hyberactivity of either yin or yang Insufficiency; deficiency 经络 中成药 药粉 药膏(软膏) 开药方 Meridians; channels (主);


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