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Action Card # 1措 施A.Emphasize the importance of deadlines and tasks.强调限期完成工作的重要性B.Involve the group in problem solving. 要团队参与到问题解决中来。C.Individually talk with members and set goals.个别与团队成员交谈,并分别制定工作目标。D.Do what you can to make the group feel important andinvolved.你所做的让团队感到重要。Action Card#2措 施A.Avoid confrontation; don’t apply pressure.避免冲突,不施加压力。B.Make yourself available for discussion without pushing for completion.你随时保持与团队的沟通讨论,同时并不逼迫团队完成。C.Make your feelings about goals clear and do all you can to help in goal completion.清晰地理解目标,同时尽一切可能帮助团队完成目标。D.Act quickly and firmly to correct and redirect.快速地行动,坚决地更正员工的错误并重新给予指示。Action Card#3措 施Make things pleasant for followers through involvementand reinforcement of good contributions.通过不断参与,给予团队好的贡献,使他们感到愉快。B.After discussing results, you reset standards.在讨论工作结果后,你重新制定工作要求。C.Intentionally do not intervene.有意地不介入。D.Be willing to make changes as recommended, butmaintain performance standards.愿意接受建议进行变革,但保证团队的绩效。Action Card#4措 施A.Engage in friendly interaction, but see that the group follows rules and regulations.与团队保持良好的沟通互动,但是监督团队遵从规定和要求。B.Take no definite action.不采取具体的行动。C.Acquire the group’s approval on a course of action and allow them to structure tasks.获得团队对某项措施的认同,允许他们自己安排工作程序。D.Emphasize the use of uniform procedures and necessity for task accomplishment.强调运用统一的程序和完成工作的必要性。Action Card#5措 施Take steps to direct followers toward working in a well-defined manner.采取步骤指导下属以职业化的标准工作。Try out your solution with followers and examine the need for new practices.和你的下属一起找出解决问题的方案,并检验是否需要采取新的办法。C.Be careful of hurting boss-follower relations by pushing.尽量避免由于过度逼迫而损害上下级关系。Let followers work it out. 让下属自己解决。Action Card#6措 施A.Allow the group to formulate its own direction.让团队自己制定工作的方向。B.Incorporate group recommendations, but see that uniform Goals are maintained.吸纳团队的建议,但是监督团队的方向一致。C.Allow group involvement in goal setting; don’t push.让团队参与制定目标,但是不过度逼迫。D.Redefine goals and supervise carefully.重新制定目标,并且密切地监督。


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