外研版初中英语 Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 What did you do 课件.ppt

外研版初中英语 Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 What did you do 课件.ppt

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外研版初中英语 Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 What did you do 课件

Language points 根据给出的中文或英文完成下列短语: (1) round the corner____________ (2) talk on the mobile phone ___________ (3) fall off the bike ________________ (4) the traffic lights___________ (5) listen to music_______________ (6) 看起来苍白_________________ (7) 及时_______________ (8)考虑________________ (9) 并排________________ (10)注意……________________ Don’t throw the things on the road(别在路上乱扔垃圾) Dont change the?road at will (不要随意变道) appear attention glad hit side Accidents do not happen very often, I’m (1) _____ to say. However, when you’re riding your bike, pay (2) _________ all the time, especially on the corner of the road and at traffic lights. Don’t ride side by (3) _____ with your friends. Sometimes cars (4) _______ round the corner and don’t stop. They may (5) ___ you. glad attention side appear hit 1. Safety comes first. We should _______ to keep safe on the road. ① obey the traffic (交通) rules ② be careful of passing cars and buses ③ run fast after others ④ not read the messages on our mobile phones ⑤ play basketball with our friends A. ①②④ B. ①③⑤ C. ②④⑤ A * 观看视频 What’s the movie about ? 课题 遵守交通规则Obey the traffic rules The students were riding _________ (并排的)to school . side by side side by side [said] Suddenly , a car________ (出现)round the corner and hit the bike . appeared [?’pi?] appear round the corner 在拐角处 hit 碰撞 [ra?nd] [’k?:n?] [hit] One of the students _______ (跌落)his bike and look _______ (苍白的). fall off pale fell off [peil] pale Luckily , the car stopped just______(及时)and didn’t hurt the boy . in time in time So we should ___ ________(注意)and stop at the red lights and think about the risk(危险) of an accident . pay risk [r?sk] pay attention attention [?’ten??n] pale (肤色)苍白的 appear出现;显露 round圆的;在附近 corner 拐角;街角 hit (使)碰撞 glad 高兴的;欢喜的 Words and expressions risk 危险;风险 attention 注意 side 侧面 Words and expressions in time 及时 fall off 从……跌落 pay attention 注意;留心 pale appear roun


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