外研版初二英语八年级上册Module 10 The weather Unit 1课件.ppt

外研版初二英语八年级上册Module 10 The weather Unit 1课件.ppt

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外研版初二英语八年级上册Module 10 The weather Unit 1课件

Listen and write * if the speaker is asking a question or ** if he is showing surprise. 1. When is the best time to visit your country? 2. What clothes should she bring? 3. What is the temperature? 4. Where are you going? * * ** ** 1. 问气温: — What’s the temperature? 气温怎么样? — It’s between minus five and minus two degrees! 零下5度到零下2度之间。 2. 问天气: — What’s the weather like in …? = How is the weather in …? 天气怎样? — It’s snowy (cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ...). 下雪(多云、下雨、晴、有风……) 3. … although this year it snowed quite a lot. 虽然今年下了很多雪。 although = thought conj. 然而; 尽管, 引导的从句不能与 but, however 连用, 但可与 yet, still 连用。例如: 1) 虽然他很累,但他继续工作。 Although / Though he was tired, he went on working. = He was tired, but he went on working. 2) 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。 He often helps me with my English although / though he is quite busy. = He is quite busy, but he often helps me with my English although. 4. Come on, better get going! 好了,走吧! better get going 是 we’d better get going 的省略形式, 意思是“最好现在去/ 走”。例如: We’d better get going (= We’d better go now), or we’ll be late. 我们最好现在就走,不然要迟到了。 5. It’s probably sunny and hot there. 那里的天气可能晴朗、热。 It’ll probably be cold tomorrow. 明天可能冷。 probably adv. 大概; 或许; 很可能 英语中表示可能的方式有许多,除使用情态动词may / might 以外,还可 以通过will 以及表示“可能” 的形容词和副词表达。常用的有:It is possible to do sth. ..., It is possible that …, 主语 + will probably / possibly + v.等。例如: Is it possible to visit Alaska in December? 十二月去阿拉斯加游览有可能吗? It is possible that it’ll be snowy in the night. 晚上有可能会下雪。 It’ll probably be cold and wet. 天气很可能会又湿又冷。 注: probably 表示“很可能”,所以表示的可能性要比 possible 大。 * weather sunny cloudy rainy snowy stormy windy showery 1. sun n. 太阳 → sunny adj. 晴朗的 2. rain n. 雨 → rainy adj. 多雨的;下雨的 3. cloud n. 云 → cloudy adj. 多云的 4. snow n. 雪;v. 下雪 → snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的 5. wind n. 风 → windy adj. 多风的;刮大风的 6. storm


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