复件 metaphor.ppt

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复件 metaphor

课件教案共享专家 /wear1981 大学英语 Definition Simile and metaphor speak of one thing in terms of another through imagination, which has 3 components(成分): the tenor (本体), the vehicle(喻体), indicators of resemblance(连接词)。两条件:similarity(相似点), dissimilarity(相异点) Example 1: The growing savings and loan scandal is a time bomb for President Bush that might not go off this year but could cause him serious political troubles by 1992. (metaphor) tenor: vehicle: indicators of resemblance: similarity dissimilarity (social event … weapon) Definition Simile and metaphor speak of one thing in terms of another through imagination, which has 3 components(成分): the tenor (本体), the vehicle(喻体), indicators of resemblance(连接词)。两条件:similarity(相似点), dissimilarity(相异点) Example 2: 其形也,翩若惊鸿,宛若游龙。……远而望之,皎若太阳升朝霞;迫而察之,灼若芙蓉出绿波。(曹植,《洛神赋》) (simile) tenor: vehicle: indicators of resemblance: similarity dissimilarity Metaphor 的另一个重要形式: No be. no indicators of resemblance(连接词). 这种metaphor 往往喻体不完全出现或本体不直接出现。但本体和喻体的关系比出现be还要密切。简洁紧凑,更常见,更睿智。 In foreign policy, flying solo can be risky business. 在外交政策上,独断独行,风险很大。 主体未出现(总统、国务卿等) Laws (are like cobwebs, they) catch flies but let wasps go free. Flies借以喻小坏人,小罪犯,wasps大坏蛋,大罪犯,都是喻体,但包含着未言明的本体。 概括:Metaphor 的语义结构 metaphor 通常由本体(tenor)/ 喻体(vehicle)组成,有时还会有相同点(ground)。它们的出现与否与出现位置会影响metaphor的语义效果。 1. 本体和喻体同现 a. If the father land is sound, my personal troubles are only a flea bite. 只要祖国安然无恙,我个人的烦恼只不过是跳蚤咬的一口。 tenor, vehicle? Metaphor 的语义结构: 2. 本体隐含 无花无酒过清明, 兴味萧然似野僧。 闲静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。 Laws (are like cobwebs, they) catch flies but let wasps go free. Metaphor 的语义结构: 3. 喻体隐含 (隐晦,代表新研究方向:认知) Her son had been damaged in a crash. 喻体:an object Human being is an object. He is deep in love/thought. 喻体: a container Love is a container. States can be containers. The ship is coming into view./He’s out of sight now. Visual field (视野)is a container. Metaphor 的语


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