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But gradually,some smart men thought out an easy way to make money. They found that wild animals can bring them big profits. 据世界《红皮书》统计,20世纪有110个种和亚种的哺乳动物以及139种和亚种的鸟类在地球上消失了。目前,世界上已有593种鸟、400多种兽、209种两栖爬行动物和20000多种高等植物濒于灭绝。 By the end of 20 century,the number of extinct wildlife species was 249 kinds Now there are about 1200 kinds of wild animals are in danger. there are 176 tombs in the cemetery,145 pieces have fell off,it means that 145kinds of wild animals are extinct. The other 30 tombstones are the animals in danger. the third from the last tombstone is named human beng. The tombstones are falling off one after another like dominoes. If we donnot do anything to stop it ,finally ,we human beings will be extinct. And then, its the world of the murid rodents. None of us wants to be extinct, so do the wild animals. Please?protect the?wild animals! Protection?now?is to save?the future. we need wild animals, because once they are gone, there will never be any more. they are more than just beautiful or a source of food. Every wild animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. Prohibit the illegal sale, acquisition, use, processing, transfer of wild animals or their products Dont hunt wild animals to make delicious food, or take off their hair to make fur coat . ...... If we can try our best to protect them, then we may have chance to live a peace life with them. * save the wild animals So human beings begin to hunt wild animals. They are killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat. And the increasing activities of human being caused a large number of animals to become endangered. It seems that those wild animals are existing to be killed by human being as they can bring us a lot of money. and the destructions are continued. One of the most destruction we done to the wild animals is peel off their skins to make clothes . If you walk on a street of a city, from


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