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国际商法英译汉课堂练习 Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter One 1. Because international business law is of a private nature, the principle of party autonomy also applies to international business transactions. Under some circumstances, only when the parties of an international business transaction have willingly chosen a treaty, does the treaty bind upon the legal relationship between them. 由于国际商法具有私法性质,当事人自主原则也适用国际商事交易。在某些情形下,只有国际商事交易各方当事人自愿选择了某条约,该条约才能对他们之间的法律关系具有约束力。 2. Some common-law principle proved too precious to change. For example, a long line of hard-won precedents defended the rights and liberties of citizens against the unjust use of government power. 事实证明一些普通法的原则如此弥足珍贵以致不能更改。比如,一系列来之不易的先例保护着公民的权利和自由免受政府滥用权力的侵害。 3. The civil law is based on the theory of separation of power, whereby the role of legislator is to legislate, while the courts should apply the law. On the other hand, in common law the courts are given the main task in creating the law. 大陆法系法律基于三权分立理论, 因此,立法者负责立法而法院应当适用法律。但在普通法国家法院却赋予了创立的任务。 4. The civil law is based on codes which contain logically connected concepts and rules, starting with general principles and moving on to specific rules. A civil lawyer usually starts from a legal norm contained in a legislation, and by means of deduction makes conclusions regarding the actual case. 大陆法系国家法律以法典为基础,这些法典包含着在逻辑上相互联系的概念和规则,而在结构上则从基本原则再具体到特殊规则。大陆法系的律师通常从立法文件中的法律规范出发以演绎方式得出所涉案件的结论。 5. A lawyer in common law starts with the actual case and compares it with the same or similar legal issues that have dealt with by courts in previously decided cases, and from these relevant precedents the binding legal rule is determined by means of induction. 普通法系的律师 从具体案件出发,将此案与法院以前判决的案件中处理过的相同或类似的法律问题相比较,并用归纳法从这些相关的先例中确定适用于本案的法律规则。 6. In practice, the higher court decisions certainly have certain influence on the lower courts, since judges of lower courts will usually take into account the risk that their decisions would probably b


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