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One of 28 free trade agreements of the WTO for trade and investment in services. GATS covers 160 service sectors such as road building, water delivery, education, health care, telecommu-nications, tourism, postal delivery, social security, a variety of municipal services, and insurance. The scope of the agreement is very broad potentially covering government regulation of trade in services, and potentially covering government services at all levels. TRIP : Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights TRIP: An agreement of the WTO that covers patents and other forms of intellectual property. TRIM Trade-related Investment Measures, an agreement within the Uruguay round trade negotiations GATT General Agreement on Tariffs Trade Gainers : Banks will be allowed to compete freely in South Korea and other places where they are restricted. Insurance companies will be able to sell policies in India, one of the Worlds most tightly closed markets. Movies will have better protection from Thai film counterfeiters. Pharmaceuticals will have better protection from Argentine imitators. Computer software makers will have better protection from Brazilians who rip off copyrighted programs. Successful negotiations to open markets in telecommunications and in information technology equipment. Losers of USA after WTO Agreements: Glassware tariffs as high as 30 percent on inexpensive drinking glasses will be reduced, threatening some 40,000 jobs. Textiles will gradually lose quotas and tariffs that protect 1.1 million U.S. workers and add 50 percent to wholesale prices of clothing. Peanuts will lose quotas that limit imports and protect 19,000 American farmers. Dairy imports of foreign cheese, now limited to 19,000 tons a year, will go up, hurting 240,000 U.S. farmers. Sugar import ceilings, now 25 percent of the nine million tons the United States uses each year, will go, threatening 11,000 sugar beet and cane growers. China’s tariff reduction and its effect:


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