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工程硕士考前英语辅导(语法2) 非谓语动词作(动词)宾语 *I couldn’t help feeling proud of our achievement. 作动词词组宾语 *Some people in the rich world are opposed to doing business with poor countries. * Li gave up smoking on his doctor’s advice. 动词+ing放部分形容词/名词后 Adj: Busy; worth; worthwhile… Eg: Is it worthwhile making such an experiment? Noun: point; trouble; difficulty… Eg: There is not much point (in) thinking about it. Try: Do you feel like ( have a walk ) with us in the wood by the sea? 动词+ing放在It’s no use; It’s not much use; It’s no good后 It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 但在 It is of no use 后用动词不定式: * It is of no use to cry over spilt milk. More examples; *It’s no good writing to him; he never answers letters. Please recall: We were surprised at ( him not to pass) ( his not passing )the exam. 有些动词后既可跟动词+ing 也可跟不定式 1少数动词后,两种结构意义差别不大: * He had really intended staying ( to stay) longer. * He prefers writing ( to write ) an outline before he writes a report. Try, mean, forget, regret …意义差别大: *We must try to solve the problem. *We can try solving this problem in other ways. 1.设法…… 2. 试用…… Have a try! 1. Peter has quit ____ ( smoke). 2. She practices ____(play) the guitar. 3. Excuse _____(I, interrupt) you. 4. Fancy _____ (she, say) such a thing. 5. This room wants ____( dust). 6. He admitted _____ ( steal ) my watch. KEY: the previous verbs should be used in its gerund form. 比较:现在分词在意义上的区别 强调运作进行的过程,更具描述性. Cf: I saw him walking along the street. (进行状态) I saw him walk along the street. (已发生事实) 现分/过分/不定式/做宾补 I heard him cry. 我听到他哭. (不定式表已发生事实) I heard him crying. 我听到他在哭. (现分表进行的状态) I heard the door shut. 我听到门被关起来了 (过分表动作的结果状态) We call this process dissolving. 我们把这过程称作溶解 ( 动名词相当于名词) 2.某些动词后,两种结构意义差别较明显: Do you still remember? See the following:. * The robot first reads the engineering drawing and then goes on to assemble the parts according to the drawing. (一动作完(结束/停止),另一动作始 * Some students went on working on their exam when the bell ran



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