好莱坞电影海报选择分析方法Film Poster Analyses.pptx

好莱坞电影海报选择分析方法Film Poster Analyses.pptx

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好莱坞电影海报选择分析方法Film Poster Analyses

Film Poster Analyses The purpose of this poster is to show potential audiences the genre and theme of the film. It is clearly constructed with the central image being the two main characters, the tagline at the top and the film’s title at the bottom. This layout is clear and effective and dark colours and tones have been used to portray the theme of the film, which is clearly a horror genre. The main image show the potential audience the main characters, which helps entice an audience if they see a famous face, in this case Mark Wahlberg The image reflects the film in terms of horror conventions. The titles appear in clear white and are spaced far apart so stand out well. The use of the tagline “We’ve sensed it, we’ve seen the signs, and now… It’s happening.” refers to something out of context and creates an ambiguity and curiosity among the target audience, which is fans of horror and thriller genre films, which is why it follows these horror conventions. This poster is constructed again with the main characters in the center and the titles at the bottom in clear white print. A dark tone is used again which reflects the mood of the film. The image reflects the film as the characters are in the groups they belong to within the film and ‘Sam’ on the right seems secluded which represents his position in the film. He is also holding a bat, representing his hostility. The titles are in clear white and the tagline appears above it. Beneath the titles are the important institutional references which are also printed in white. The target audience is teenagers, mainly living in London and as the characters reflect the target audience a photograph of them is effective when enticing audiences. The poster is constructed following film poster conventions with the main characters as the central image and the title and tagline appearing at the top. The colours used are quite vibrant and the title is printed in a vibrant red to attract attention. The tagline references the film as


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