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(6) It’s seven o’clock. They ______ ( eat ) supper. (7) --What is Sally doing? -- She ______ ( watch ) TV. (8) Ben and Sally ______ (listen) to music at 8:00 this morning. ? Step 7 Homework 1、Finish the exercises on Book1C of Lesson 9. 2、Choose one of the conversations in Part3.1 and write it down. The 3rd period 一、教学内容:Lesson10 二、教学目标: 1、复习已学过的以下句型: ⑴We’ve got… ⑵一般现在时的一般疑问句及以when 和what 引导的特殊疑问句,如: Do the two Chinese lessons end at twelve o’clock on Tuesday? When do the students go for lunch? 2、初步掌握以下单词和句型: ⑴geography, spell, meaning, mean, history, biology, politics, meeting, person. ⑵Which lesson begins at five past eleven? 3、学习如何填写时间表及谈论时间表的用语: ⑴When does Chinese lesson begin on Monday? ⑵Do both maths lessons begin at quarter past two? ⑶Which lesson begins at five past eleven? 三、教学重点:教学目标中2、3项。 ? 四、教学难点: 1、 maths 和politics 的词尾是字母s, 但它 不是复数名词, 当它用作主语时, 句中谓语动词要使用单数形式。 2、person 与 people 的用法区别。 3、the + 序数词的用法。 Step 1 Revision 1、Give the students a dictation of the words and phrases in Lesson 9. 2、Get some pairs to act out the conversation in Part3.1 of Lesson 9. ? Step 2 Presentation 1、Ask the students the following questions to teach the new words: How many subjects do you have? What subjects do you have today? What does … mean? How do you spell …? What subjects do you like? ( Pay attention to “maths” and “politics” .) 2、That’s our timetable for today. Lingshi is your friend. Do you want to know his timetable? 3、Get the students to look at the timetable ask and answer the questions. 4、Just now we talked about Lingshi’s timetable for Monday and Tuesday. What about Wednesday? Now we are going to talk about his timetable for Wednesday. Step 3 Reading 1、Display the picture for Part 3 on the board, and ask: ⑴Who’s the boy/lady? ⑵Is Mr


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