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Three Moves Highlighting the overall research outcome Explaining specific research outcomes Stating research conclusions Summary 1. Purpose of a discussion section ① Summarize findings presented in the results section ② Cite supporting literature. ③ Explain discrepancies between your findings and previous reports. ④ Point out shortcomings of your work and define unsettled points. ⑤ Discuss theoretical and practical implications of your work. ⑥ End with a short summary or conclusion about the work’s importance. Summary 2. Questions you will address in a discussion section ① What did you expect to find, and why? ② How did your results compare with those expected? ③ How might you explain any unexpected results? ④ How might you test these potential explanations? Summary 3. Tips for writing a discussion section This is the place to interpret your results against a background of existing knowledge. ①Explain what is new in your work, and why it matters. ②Discuss both the limitations and the implications of your results, and relate observations to other relevant studies. ③State new hypotheses when warranted, clearly labeled as such. ④Include recommendations, when appropriate.” Summary 4. Eight common components of a discussion section ① Background information ② Statement of results ③ (Un)expected outcome ④ Reference to previous research ⑤ Explanation ⑥ Exemplification ⑦ Deduction and hypothesis ⑧ Recommendation Summary 5. Purpose of a conclusion “Besides presenting an analysis of the key results in the conclusion sections, you also give a future perspective on the work.” (Lerner Ogren) ①Future perspective might be recommendations. ②Future perspective might be a nod to the direction in which your research will head. ③Future perspective is to mirror the scope and limitations that you presented in the beginning of the document. Summary 6. Pitfalls of a discussion/conclu


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