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若干个比较新鲜的issue例子.txt如果我能够看到自己的影子,我想它一定很忧伤,因为我把快乐都留在了前面。容易伤害别人和自己的人,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。若干个比较新鲜的issue例子 上个星期拿到awa分数了,5.5。不是最高,但是cd的确给了我最大的帮助,所以在这里略尽绵力。感觉非常贻笑大方,大家批判着使用。 这里的几个例子都是实战时候我没有用到的,为了避免重复率太高,请大家如果喜欢的话,改着用。最好用了哪个在这里说一下。让别的人用的时候,有个参考,尽量避免重复太多。 这些例子全部出自wiki,那里给了我很多灵感,大家可以尝试每一段时间逼自己想一个例子,然后到wiki找好句子,累积下来,效果应该不错的。 如果大家有好的例子,本人斗胆提个建议,我们都拿出来分享。因为,首先issue的例子一直是大部分人awa的难题;其次,例子多了,重复的几率就少了,大家准备起来就更加省时省力了。 见笑见笑!!! Social responsibility: Google, the fastest growing US technology company, can serve as the best example to demonstrate the importance of social responsibility. Based on its outstanding philosophy of social responsibility ?揇o No Evil? Google established and secured a distinct reputation in the Internet Service Provider industry and cultivated a large customer base that is unusually devoted to its products and service. Consequently, this reputation for social responsibility, as one of its most valuable assets, in turn, significantly benefits the company in long term. Globalization: For example, the US Subprime Mortgage financial crisis in July 2007, caused by a sharp rise in home foreclosures, rapidly affected every market in the world, reaching as far as England, Brazil, and even Hongkong overnight. Without exception, each financial institution in the global financial industry was affected to some extent, although some of these institutions may have no direct business with US Subprime Mortgage market. This can be explained by the process of globalization, which has so highly integrated the global economics that no business can be isolated from it. Kids: From a social and psychological standpoint, violence xxx has the ability to influence xxx on both an implicit and an explicit level. For example, research on aggressive behavior as an effect of xxx has found that exposure to xxx may result in different level of undesirable behavior. Moreover, some scientific study suggests that an addiction can be formed from xx. This addiction could ca


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