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The Society Culture of Major English-speaking Countries Lecturer: Ren Chaohua English-speaking Countries Dark blue: as official language(美国,加拿大,英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,南非和几个加勒比国家) Light blue: as official language but not primary language Population speak English as first language: 450 million Population proficient in English: 1.9 billion(1/3 of all) The six countries How to teach and learn the course? UK—8 America—7 Other 4 countries—1 each Before lectures Questions or Exercises on textbook After lectures Homework Appraisal of your work Daily work(40%)+ final test(60%) Attendance Participation in the class activities Homework 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 直到最近的几个世纪之前,大不列颠岛是由几个不同的国家所占据,在那之前的英国历史就是这些国家之间彼此纷争的历史。英格兰后来成为了主宰力量,在“大不列颠”这面大旗下,与其他国家在不同的时期合并起来,形成了现在的联合王国。      英国虽然只是西欧的一个岛国,面积不大,但由于最早的工业革命发生在英国,曾经建成号称“日不落帝国”的世界最大的殖民帝国,在第二次世界大战前是世界影响最大的国家,战后虽然被美国取而代之,但美国的主要语言也是英语,美国的主体民族也是盎格罗—撒克逊人,美国的学生除了要学习不长的美国历史外,也要学习英国历史。      英国人历史上局处岛国,偏于保守,历史上虽然英国的社会状况不断改变,但政体变化不大,至今没有一部成文的宪法;王室虽然也在不断地改朝换代,但和中国不同,英国历史上很少发生改变统治家族的叛乱,每次变更多是王室缺乏男性后裔,而需由女性后裔继位,既而使王室姓氏相应更改。因此,现在的女王伊丽莎白二世的血统可以追溯到最早的撒克逊诸王的身上. THE UK Unit 1: A brief introduction to the UK (1-2 weeks) British History (1 week) Unit 3: The government of the UK (1 week) Unit 4: Politics, Class and Race (1 week) Unit 5: The UK economy (1 week) Unit 7 : British education system (1 week) Unit 9-10: The British media, Sports, holidays and festivals (1week) Outline Geographical location Area and population Name British Empire The differences existing in British society The capital city—London National elements Four political divisions Geographical features Rivers and lakes Climate Homework Geographical location (1) The UK is an _______ country. The UK is located in the ___________ Europe. Geographic location (2) The UK is country of island surrounded by __________ ( to its east), _____________ (to its north) _______________ (to its west and between Great Britain and Ireland), ___


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