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* 金字塔的特点 “什么?” “为什么?” “怎么做?” “然后呢?” 连贯性 MECE(相互独立互为补充) 相同的归纳层度 归 纳 相 关 性 * Unit of measure * 资料来源: Text Legend Legend Legend Text Text × – ÷ + Text Text Text Text Title Title Text Text Text Text Text CAGR = xxxx €£¥±×÷≤≥≠┊△??? Text Text 1 2 3 4 5 举例 示意 供讨论 初步 ⊕? SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * McKinsey’s problem solving approach is impact-driven, focused, and fact-based. We use hypotheses, or initial ideas supported with facts about what the answer might be, to move quickly. Focusing our work on clearly defined end-products also helps us avoid “boiling the ocean.” Teams need to balance examining individual elements of a problem and looking at the big picture. And of course, creativity matters. Good problem solving structures original thinking and makes it actionable. SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * We think of strategic problem solving as a series of steps that begin and end with good communication. SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * Getting an accurate understanding of the problem is the first priority. SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * Since problem solving requires a logical approach, structuring the problem is the next step. SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * Logic trees are a great way to break a large problem into discrete pieces. We’ll talk more about different kinds of logic trees later today and give you a chance to build a few. SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * Prioritization helps you focus on the issues that matter most SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * A little disciplined, early work planning can go a long way in problem solving. SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * Be prepared to spend most of your time doing analysis SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * SHNovel/031205/SH-6steps(2000GB) * There


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