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双高双名小学英语试题 第一部分 英语专业知识与技能部分(100分) Part 1 Knowledge and Skills of English Ⅰ、听力部分 Listening Section(20分) 认真听录音,圈出正确答案的序号。 Listen carefully and circle the right answer. 1.There are four in a year. A. days B.seasons C. weeks D. months 2. is usually very cold. A.Spring B.summer C.winter D.fall 3.Spring is and rainy. A.cold B.cool C.hot D.warm 4.The summer sun is . A.cool B.hot C.warm D.cold 5.The wind blows the off the trees in fall. A.flowers B.grass C.leaves D.leafs 听录音,填入正确的单词。 Listen and fill in the right words.(10分) This is winter. Winter is cold. There is . Snow is . The bloom in spring. This is summer. What a hot, day! Fall is . Part Ⅱ 笔试部分 Written work(80分) Ⅱ、单项选择Circle the correct answers.(10分) 1.This is Tim Smith . He is thirteen _______ . ? ?A. year? ???B. years old? ? C . year old? ? D . years 2.----- What ______ movies do you like ? ? -----I don’t like movies at all . ? ???A. kind? ???B. a kind of? ???C. kind of??D. kinds 3.Miss Li ________ the green bag to Millie at a good price . ? ? ?A. takes? ???B.??needs? ? C.??buys? ? D.??sells 4.__________ birthday is December 21st . ? ???A . My father’s? ???B . My father? ? C . My fathers? ? D. My fathers’ 5.------__________ ? ? ----- It’s great . We have a happy day . ? ???A. When is your party ?? ???B. Are you happy ? ? ??C. How is your party ?? ?? ??D. Where is your party ? 6.----- _______ ? ----- Yes , please . I want a red T-shirt . ? ?? A. How are you ?? ?? ???B. Excuse me ? ?? ?C . Can I help you ?? ??D . What’s your name ? 7.I often go to the clothes store _______ my parents . ? ?? ?A. and? ???B. with? ? C. for? ? D. of 8.In the U.S. they speak_____. A.Chinese B.English C.French D. Japanese 9.---What’s______ name?? ?---________ name is Mary. A. her, Her? ?? ?? ???B. his, Her? ?? ?? ?C. her, his? ?D. he, His 10. May I go on a trip? A.去散步 B.去旅行 C.去野餐 D.去乘坐轮船 Ⅲ、交际能力Communicatin


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