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基于地震灾害下的应急物流资源研究摘 要地震灾害是群灾之首,对人类社会造成了巨大的损失。中国是一个多地震国家,地震灾害占全球的二分之一。据统计,自1949年至2000年间,中国在自然灾害造成的人口死亡数量中,地震灾害占到了 54%。强地震灾害发生后,需要大量的求援物资以维持灾区幸存者的生存、伤者的救治以及卫生防疫、家园重建等,以减少灾害造成的影响和损失。在历次大地震灾害救援中,如中国2008年的四川汶川地震灾害和2010年的青海省玉树地震灾害救援过程中,暴露了应急物流存在的许多问题。因此,开展地震灾害救援应急物流问题研究具有重大的意义。灾害发生后,合理的应急资源选址与配置是应急管理的重中之重,同时也是我国突发事件应急管理研究需要解决和完善的问题。本文研究的主要目的是在国内外突发事件应急管理理论研究的基础上,针对我国目前应对地震灾害突发事件应急资源管理中存在的问题,建立具有较强灵活性和实用性的应急资源多目标选址模型,从理论和实证的角度提出应急资源配置模式,以期对自然灾害应急资源优化配置起到借鉴作用,今后能够有效防灾减灾,最大限度减少灾害造成的损失。本文采用了文献分析法、定性分析与定量分析相结合以及实证分析的研究方法。 首先,通过对地震灾害应急管理及资源配置的国内外研究现状分析,指出了目前我国地震灾害突发事件应急管理研究的不足之处,充分论证了我国地震灾害应急物流资源配置研究的重要性和现实意义,进而提出了本文的主要研究内容。 关键词:突发事件;地震灾害;应急资源;多目标选址;资源配置模式The Research on emergency logistics resources based on earthquake disasterABSTRACT Earthquake disaster is the most severe one of all disasters, which has caused huge losses to human beings. Earthquake disasters happened in China accounted for half of all the earthquake disasters in the world. It was reported that the death caused by earthquake disaster accounted for 54% of all the death caused by natural disasters from 1949 to 2000 in China. When a great earthquake disaster happens,in the disaster area, a lot of relief supplies are required to maintain the survival of the survivors, the treatment for the injured, epidemic prevention, and disaster area reestablishment in the disaster area, which are aiming to reduce the loss and the impact of the disaster. Many problems of the emergency logistics were exposed in the process of all previous earthquake disaster rescue, such as in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and the Yushu earthquake in 2010 in China. Therefore, it is of great significance to studying emergency logistics for earthquake disaster rescue. After the disaster, reasonable emergency resource location and configuration is the top priority of emergency management, simultaneously is also our country emergency management research to be solved and improved. The main purpose of this research is that more flexible and more pr


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