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基于GIS的深圳企业空间分布格局 章文1,2,王佳璆3 (1.中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广州510275;2.广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室,广州510275;3. 伦敦大学学院高级空间分析中心,伦敦 W1T 4TJ) 摘 要:区域经济逐步借助于地理信息系统(GIS)的空间统计分析方法,来研究经济现象的空间模式和非常态分布,基于2012年数字城市数据,采用区域密度模型、地统计学方法和空间聚类分析方法,从整体模型、方向变异性以及局域聚类类型三个方面展开对深圳企业空间分布格局的研究。结果表明:在同一数据来源下运用圈层距离采样法能提高区域密度模型拟合精度,计算结果显示深圳企业空间分布克拉卡模型;深圳企业对周边地区亦产生影响力;聚类分析显示属于高-高值聚类和热点区域,。 关键词:企业空间格局;区域密度模型;半变异函数;空间聚类分析;深圳 Shenzhen Enterprises ZHANG Wen1,2 ,WANG Jiaqiu3 (1. Geography and Planning School of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Geographical Environment Simulation of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510275, China; 3. Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis of University College London , London W1T 4TJ, Britain) Abstract: Regional economy uses gradually Geography Information System (GIS) spatial statistical methods to study the spatial pattern of economic phenomena and an unnormal distribution. Based on digital city data in 2012, the traditional regional density model, geostatistics and spatial cluster analysis are utilized to research spatial pattern of enterprises in Shenzhen from three aspects of spatial pattern, such as the overall model, orientational variability and local clustering type. The result shows that: using the circle distance sampling method under the same sources of data can improve the fitting precision of regional density model. Simultaneously the calculation result shows that Clark model fits Shenzhen enterprises spatial distribution more actually than population density. The range of Shenzhen enterprises semivariance is long which influences the surrounding area. Cluster analysis reveals that the Shenzhen center zone which is close to Hong Kong but deviates from space centroid belongs to high - high value of clustering and hot spots. This kind of Spatial Pattern is different from other traditional cities. 企业经济的基础细胞,的微观主体提供就业、生产产品、创造财富在加强社会分工的基础上,可以有效地激发创新,提高生产率,从而为经济增长提供持久的动力。企业空间结构、空间行为及其与社会环境关系。sch)区位论影响,西方地理学者长期关注的是区域内产业和企业的区位选择的微观问题,


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