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摘 要
关键词 热力计算;
Industrial boiler is mainly used for the production of industrial boiler and heating heat source, the main task is: converting the chemical energy of the fuel into heat energy.The graduation design topic is the SZL6-1.25-A II, which belongs to a double cylinder vertically type chain grate furnace. Design of boiler operation safety and reliability as the main design characteristics of the guidelines. In boiler design process, the main consideration is sufficient radiant heat, coal burnout degree and reasonable flue gas velocity and temperature of flue gas. Use in the design of stratified combustion technology, and optimize the furnace arch design added the middle arch, meet the requirements of energy conservation.
Throughout the design process,according to the given coal and furnace type constraints to boiler basic structure and the thermal calculation of boiler. Including the furnace, boiler tubes, gas, air preheater structure design and thermal calculation. In order to make the small boiler has the advantages of compact structure, large heating surface are arranged in the furnace hearth. In the design process using the first arrangement structure size, and then checking calculation method, the heating surface of the boiler flue gas and refrigerant temperature, flow rate was determined in the reasonable range. Finally, using CAD completed boiler.
Keywords thermodynamic calculation;Furnace; combustion; arch
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 工业锅炉简介 1
1.2 工业锅炉的现状 1
1.2.1 工业锅炉在国内的发展状况 1
1.2.2工业锅炉技术与国外的差距 2
1.3工业锅炉发展前景 2
1.3.1 循环流化床锅炉 2
1.3.2 垃圾焚烧锅炉 3
1.3.3水煤浆锅炉 3
1.4本文主要内容 3
1.5 本章小结 4
第二章 工业锅炉方案设计及结构简介 5
2.1方案论证 5
2.2 设计工业锅炉结构及特性 6
2.2.1锅炉各部分结构特点 7
2.3设计要求及主要步骤 9
2.3.1设计要求 9
2.3.2热力计算方法 9
2.4本章小结 10
第三章 热力计算 11
3.1锅炉规范、辅助计算及热平衡计算 11
3.1.1设计参数 11
3.1.2燃料特性 11
3.1.3辅助计算 11
3.2各部分热力计算 16
3.2.1炉膛的布置 16
3.2.2 炉膛周界计算 16
3.2.3 炉膛传热计算 18
3.2.4锅炉管束计算 21
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