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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 设计(论文)题目: 5万吨/年乙酸乙酯生产工艺设计 学 院 名 称: 化学工程学院 专 业: 化学工程与工艺 班 级: 07-1 摘 要 乙酸乙酯是一种重要的化工溶剂。乙酸乙酯在涂料、粘合剂、制药和油墨等领域的应用十分广泛,其合成过程也受到广泛重视。传统的乙酸乙酯合成工艺为酯化法,即乙酸和乙醇在浓硫酸的催化作用下直接合成乙酸乙酯。乙醛缩合法、乙醇脱氢法、醋酸∕乙烯加成法等是近年来开发的新技术[1],相对于传统的合成工艺,乙醛缩合法、乙醇脱氢法、醋酸∕乙烯加成法因其热力学上的有利性和经济上的合理性,被许多中外企业所采用。但基于国情及各方面的因素考虑,本论文采用乙醇脱氢法生产乙酸乙酯,并用了ASPEN模拟进行了物料和热量衡算。 关键词:乙酸乙酯;乙醇脱氢法;工艺设计;ASPEN模拟;衡算 ABSTRACT Ethyl acetate (EA) is an important chemical solvent. EA is widly used in applications of coatings, adhesives, pharmaceuticals and printing ink and its synthesis meyhod has get a lot of interests. The traditional synthesis method of EA is esterification, in which EA was made by direct esterification of ethanol and acetic acid with a sulphuric acid catalyst. Aldehyde condensation, dehydrogenation of ethanol and acetate/ethylene addition reaction are the new technologies developed in recent years. Compared with the traditional synthesis, these new methods have adopted by many Chinese and foreign enterprises because of its favorable thermodynamic and economic rationality. However, based on national conditions and taking into consideration various aspects, this thesis used Ethanol dehydrogenation was to produce ethyl acetate. ASPEN simulation is carried out to calculate the material and heat balance. Key Words:Ethyl acetateReactive Ethanol dehydrogenation was; Process design; ASPEN simulation; Balance calculation 目 录 1 项目总论 1 1.1 项目意义 1 1.2 建设规模 1 1.3 厂区及生产概况 2 2 市场分析 3 2.1 产品的性质与用途 3 2.1.1 物化特性 3 2.1.2 主要用途 3 2.2 国、内外产业状况 4 2.2.1 国外生产状况及发展动向 4 2.2.2 国内生产状况及发展动向 5 2.3 产品的市场需求预测 7 2.3.1 进出口情况 7 2.3.2 消费现状及发展前景 9 3 厂址的选择及布置 10 3.1 厂址选择原则 10 3.


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