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摘 要 电钻是一种切削类电动工具,它适用于在金属材料和非金属材料上作钻孔加工。其特点是体积小、质量轻、便于携带、操作灵活及使用安全等,因此,在机械、建筑、维修、家居装修等领域得到了广泛应用。近年来,随着建筑装潢业的发展,电钻的应用更加普及。 电钻由电动机、齿轮减速机构、钻夹头、外壳、开关和电源联接装置等组成,其工作原理是:电动机的高速旋转通过一对圆柱斜齿轮减速后,驱动工作头作钻孔加工。本文首先通过对国内外电钻的比较和对电钻发展趋势的分析,确定了电钻的总体设计方案及主要技术参数,然后对电钻各个部分的设计进行了详细说明,如电动机及其辅助元件的选型、齿轮传动装置的设计、外壳的设计和控制电路设计等,其中着重介绍了齿轮传动装置的分析、设计与计算过程,并运用了大量的图表对其进行说明。另外,本文还特别介绍了人体工程学技术以及它在电钻外壳设计中的运用;电子无级调速技术在电路中的应用使电钻具有钻孔和拧螺钉两种功能。 关键词:电钻,设计,人体工程学技术,电子无级调速 ABSTRACT The electric drill is a kind of electric metal-cutting tools which is applied to the metal and non-metallic materials for drilling. It has many characteristics such as the small cubage, the light quality, easy to carry, safety and reliability .Therefore, it has been widely used in the machinery, metallurgy, transport and other fields. In recent years, with the construction and decoration development, the electric drill will be applicated more widely. Electric drill consists of the electric motor, the speed reducer gear, drill chuck, the outer covering, the switch and the power connecting devices. The working principle is : The electric motor rotating with a high-speed ,through the speed reducer gear, to drive the drill bit for drilling. This article has first analyzed the electric drill, determined the overall design of the electric drill program and the main technical parameter. Then the design of each part has been introduced, such as the selection of the electric motor and its auxiliary components, the design of gear wheel actuator, the outer covering and the control circuit. Among them, this paper has introduced the analysis, the design and the calculate process of the gear wheel actuator. And this paper has used a lot of graphics and charts to explain it. Additionally, this paper has also introduced a special ergonomic technology and how to use that in an electric drill casing design; The application of electronic variable speed technology in circuit design make the electric drill has two functions of drilling hole and scerw.


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