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毕业设计(论文) 题目:××公司核心员工激励的问题 与对策研究 ××公司核心员工激励的问题与对策研究 摘 要 在全球化竞争和知识经济时代,企业的可持续发展与成长,从根本上讲,主要取决于企业的竞争优势,只有具备竞争优势的企业才能在市场中占据先机。而企业核心竞争优势的形成往往又来源于企业的人力资源。核心员工是人力资源最关键、最主要的组成部分,是企业核心竞争力和核心能力的根本来源,他们的去留和管理对企业有这着举足轻重的影响。因此,加强对核心人才的管理,提高核心人才的忠诚度,成为企业人力资源管理的重要职能,如何有效管理核心员工成为了企业人力资源管理工作的重中之重。本论文就是要从东莞××有限公司的核心人员激励机制优化角度出发,寻找有效调动核心人员积极性、创造性方法,挖掘核心人员的潜力。构建有效的激励机制,对于东莞××有限公司格局下进一步发展具有重要的现实意义。 关键词:核心员工;激励机制;对策 JINZHOU PAPER COMPANYS CORE STAFF INCENTIVE PROBLEMS AND COUNTERMEASURES RESEARCH ABSTRACT In the global competition and knowledge economy era, enterprises sustainable development and growth, fundamentally, mainly depends on the competitive advantage of enterprises, only has the competitive advantage of enterprise to occupy the advantage in the market. And the formation of enterprise core competitive advantage often comes from the enterprises human resources. Core staff is the most critical human resource, the main part of is a fundamental source of enterprise core competence and core competence, their future, and has the huge influence on enterprise management. Therefore, strengthen the management of core talents and enhance the core talented persons loyalty, and become a key function of enterprise human resources management, how to effectively manage the core staff has become the enterprise human resources management priority. This thesis is from dongguan jinzhou paper co., LTD., the core staff incentive mechanism optimization point of view, look for ways to effectively mobilize enthusiasm and creativity of the core staff, to dig up the potential of core staff. Build effective incentive mechanism, for dongguan jinzhou paper co., LTD., under the pattern of the further development has important practical significance. Key word:Core staff;Incentive mechanism;ountermeasures 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 选题依据 1 1.2 国内外研究状况 1 1.3 论文研究的方法 2 1.4 论文研究的内容 3 2 基本理论 4 2.1企业核心员工概念、特点与价值 4 2.2


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