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本科毕业论文(设计) 题  目: 基于单片机的推箱子游戏设计                    学生姓名:       学号: 院(系): 电子信息工程   专业: 微电子       入学时间:  2009       年   9    月 导师姓名:        职称/学位:  讲师    导师所在单位:     安徽大学           完成时间:   2013     年    5    月 基于PROTEUS的推箱子游戏的设计 摘 要 本论文主要介绍了基于单片机的推箱子游戏的规则、硬件结构、软件代码的编写及工作原理、基于T6963C内核的液晶模块PG160128A的详细介绍以及指令集。模拟出Windows系统下的推箱子游戏,具有任意关数选择、难度依次加大、游戏步数记录、游戏时间记录、按键发声、系统低功耗、可实现在线调试等特点。本系统是以单片机为其控制核心,以有源晶振构成的电路作为时钟信号,通过方向键的选择向单片机控制系统发出人物移动控制命令,控制系统接收命令后做出一系列必要的判断后,控制人物及箱子的移动。本设计已通过了实验仿真,运行稳定,基本上没有规则方面的错误。 论文主要分为两大块:一块为游戏的硬件电路组成部分,一块为软件程序设计部分。在硬件电路里主要包括有源晶振部分、方向控制部分及液晶显示部分等与单片机的接线设计;软件编程方面主要是子程序和主程序的编写,包括:初始化代码、液晶驱动代码、方向按键代码、过关判断代码、步数记录代码、时间记录代码、按键发声代码、关数选择代码及表格数据代码等等。所有这些在文中都有详细说明。 关键词:单片机;推箱子;PG160128A; T6963C内核;指令集 Design Of PROTEUS Sokoban Game Based On[1] Abstract This paper introduces the single-chip based on the rules of the game Sokoban, the structure of hardware, software code writing and working principle, based on the core T6963C LCD module PG160128A, as well as details of the instruction set. Simulate the system under Windows Sokoban game, an arbitrary number of related options, in turn increase the difficulty of the game a few step-by-step record time of the game record, sound button, low-power system can achieve on-line debugging and so on. The system is based on its single-chip control of the core, consisting of active crystal clock circuit clock signal sent through the arrow keys to select the single-chip control system to control mobile command characters, the control system after receiving an order to make a Series to determine the necessary, to control the movement of people and boxes. This design has been adopted by the simulation experiments, stable, rules virtually no mistakes. The main thesis is divided into two blocks: one for the games hardware components of the circuit, as a part of the software programming. In the hardware circuitry, including the main active part of the crystal, the direction and co


xingyuxiaxiang + 关注


