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Adam Sandler Tops Forbes 2013 List Of The Most Overpaid Actors 好莱坞性价比最低演员:亚当?桑德勒问鼎 Adam Sandler is one of the few actors in Hollywood who can still demand a paycheck north of $15 million. That’s great for his bank account but not always so great for the studios that employ him. A string of recent misfires lands the funny man at the top of our most overpaid list. 亚当·桑德勒(Adam Sandler )是为数不多依然要求片酬不低于1,500万美元的好莱坞演员。这对他的银行账户来说很不错,但是对于花钱请他的电影公司来说并非总是好事。最近接二连三的票房失利,让这位喜剧演员登上了福布斯2013年好莱坞性价比最低演员排行榜的首位。 The two biggest offenders on Sandler’s resume: Jack Jill, in which he played both halves of a brother-sister twin set, and That’s My Boy, in which Sandler (47) played the father of Andy Samberg (35). Jack Jill grossed $150 million but the film cost an estimated $80 million to make. Considering studios take home about half of box office receipts, that means only about $70 million flowed to Sony 桑德勒从影经历中最糟糕的两部电影分别是《杰克和吉尔》(Jack Jill)——他在本片中同时饰演双胞胎兄妹两人——以及《爸爸的好儿子》(That’s My Boy),47岁的桑德勒在这部影片中饰演35岁的安迪·萨姆伯格(Andy Samberg)的父亲。《杰克和吉尔》获得了1.5亿美元的票房收入,但是电影的拍摄成本估计达到8,000万美元。考虑到电影公司只能获得一半的票房收入,这意味着索尼公司(Sony)只收回了大约7,000万美元的投资,还没有考虑这部烂片的广告费用。这么低的回报率和桑德勒巨额的前期片酬毫不相称。 That’s My Boy did even worse. With an estimated budget of $70 million, the film brought in only $57 million at the box office worldwide. In other words, it was a major bomb. We estimate that for every dollar Sandler was paid on his last three movies, the films returned an average of $3.40. 电影《爸爸的好儿子》表现甚至更为糟糕。本片的拍摄预算估计为7,000万美元,最终仅获得5,700万美元的全球票房收入。换句话说,这简直是票房惨败。在他最近出演的三部电影中,我们估计制片方向桑德勒每支付1美元,电影只能获得3.40美元的票房收入。 Of course when a Sandler movie hits, his pay can be justified. The problem for Hollywood is that telling a hit from a miss before the movie is made is almost impossible. But with someone like Sandler, you have to pay up hoping that the movie will do big business at the box office. Sony won that bet with Grown Ups 2. That movie grossed $246 million on an estimated $80 million budget, making it one of Sandler’s best performin


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