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On my birthday Scene One At home Mum: Alice, Wake up Daughter: What’s the time? M; It’s seven thirty. D: Oh, I’m late. M: It’s Saturday today. A: I forgot ! M:It’s also your birthday. Here is your birthday present.(给它一条丝巾) D: Wow, beautiful . I like the color. Thank you ,mum. M:What are you doing this weekend? D: I抦 doing my homework, and could I go to the movies this weekend? M: Sure. But first please get ready to have breakfast. D: Ok, mum. I抦 coming. (Alice抯 calling her friend.) A: Hello, this is Alice. Is that Tom speaking? Tom: Hello, Alice. This is Tom. What抯 up? A: Could you go to the movies with me this afternoon? T: Sure. I heard there is a talent show for middle school students at the people抯 theater. A: Great! It must be interesting.. T: When and where shall we meet? A: Let抯 meet at two o抍lock at the bus stop. T: Ok, see you then. A: See you. Scene Two (at the bus stop) T: Hello. Alice! A; Hi. T: Let me introduce. This is my cousin, Mary. A: Hi, Mary! Nice to meet you. M: Nice to meet you, too.(握手) T: Great weather, isn’t it? A: Yes. But my father told me it is cold in Beijing now. It snowed last week. M: Really? Does your father work in Beijing? A: Yes. T: How often does he go home. A: Once a month. I really miss him. I hope to see him soon?. M: Look! The No.7 bus is coming. Let抯 get on. Scene Three (on the bus) M: Look at the photos. I took the photos last winter vocation . A: You and Tom were lying on the snow. How funny it is. T: Yeh, we both like playing with snow. (The bus stopped suddenly)dongzuo A: What抯 the matter? T: Oh, my god. The traffic is too heavy. Our bus has to stop here. A: Terrible. The film will begin at three o抍lock. It抯 Two twenty. M: There are more and more cars now. I think people should take buses, not cars. A: I agree with you. There will be less pollution, and the air can be cleaner. (They get off the bus as quickly as they can.) A: Thank goodness. Hurry up, or we抣l be late. T: Be careful. You must look a


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