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国有房地产企业问题及战略研究对策摘要随着我国改革开放的顺利实施,国有经济不断发展,国家基础设施建设不断完善,房地产行业也借着这股浪潮,迅猛发展起来,由于房地产行业的进入门槛很低而回报利润非常高,导致大批国有房地产企业纷纷进军房地产业,其中就包括大量的国有房地产企业,致使房地产行业的竞争压力越来越大。随着市场的放开及竞争压力的不断加大,许多国有房地产企业由于经营不善纷纷破产,国有房地产企业在房地产行业中的比例不断缩小,截止2014年,国有房地产企业的比例已不足20%,即便只占不足两成的比例,国有房地产企业也拥有着相当数量的土地、人才、资产等社会较为短缺的资源,国有房地产企业对我国市场经济的发展影响非常大,又因为涉及到居民住房等敏感问题,影响着大批住房周围的关联行业,如超市、学校、商场等,国有房地产企业对维护整个房地产市场的健康稳定运行及国家社会的安定和谐有着突出贡献。在当前我国经济由高速转为中高速发展的新阶段,研究国有房地产企业问题及战略发展对策有着非常重要的现实意义。本文从房地产理论出发,介绍国有房地产企业的发展现状及外部环境,着重分析国有房地产企业面临的两大问题点:人才流失及融资困难,引入国内优秀国有房地产企业的战略发展模式,深度剖析国有房地产企业的发展战略,然后以中国铁建为例进行实证分析,最后针对国有房地产企业面临的两大问题提出解决措施。关键词:国有房地产企业,问题,战略研究AbstractThe smooth implementation of reform and opening up, along with our country national economy development, improve the national infrastructure construction, real estate industry through the wave, also developed rapidly, due to low barriers to entry and the returns of real estate industry profits are very high, leading to a large number of companies to move into the real estate industry, including a large number of state-owned enterprises, the real estate industry competition is more and more big. As markets open and competitive pressure increasing, many state-owned real estate enterprises due to mismanagement went bankrupt, the ratio of state-owned enterprises in the real estate industry shrinking, by 2014, the proportion of state-owned real estate enterprises had less than 20%, even if only accounts for less than twenty percent, the proportion of state-owned real estate companies also have a considerable amount of land, talent, capital and other social is the shortage of resources, the impact on the development of market economy of our country state-owned real estate enterprises is very large, and because of residents housing and other sensitive issues involved, affecting a large number of housing around the related industries, such as supermarkets, schools, shopping malls, etc., the state-owned real estate enterprises to maintain the real estate market healthy and stable


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