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a person who has been forced to leave their country to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster (因逃避战争、迫害或自然灾害而离开本国的)难民 e.g. Several refugee camps were established along the border between the two countries. 沿两国边界建立了几个难民营。 refugee The country has accepted refugees from political persecution. 该国已接受了躲避政治迫害的难民。 Practice : n. when one was young 年轻时 e.g. The great writer lived in a small village and did farming at a young age. 那位大作家年轻时曾生活在小村庄,干着农活。 at a young age One mustn’t do all those foolish things that one did at a young age. 一个人不能再干年轻时干过的那些傻事。 Practice : a great number, quantity, or amount of (people, things) 许多;大量 e.g. Lots of people came to the party that night; I made so many friends. 那天晚上的聚会来了许多人, 我交了不少朋友。 lots of She makes lots of money by buying cheap and selling dear. 她贱买贵卖,挣了大把的钱。 Practice : 1) tell (someone) to remember 提醒 e.g. If I forget, please remind me. 如果我忘了,请提醒我。 2) cause (someone) to remember 使想起 e.g. The photo reminds me of my school days. 这张照片使我想起在学校的日子。 remind Her voice reminded Peter of his mother. 2. 她的声音使彼得想起了他的母亲。 Tom telephoned to remind me about the party on Saturday. 1. 汤姆打电话提醒我星期六有聚会。 vt. Practice : 1) [C] a large building or group of buildings with connected hallways where there are a lot of shops, restaurants, and sometimes a cinema 购物中心 e.g. We can shop at many different stores at the mall. 在购物中心我们可在许多不同的商店购物。 2) [C] often called a pedestrian mall, a street with shops, restaurants, theaters etc. closed to automobile traffic 步行(商业)街 e.g. A main street there has been turned into a pedestrian mall. 那里的一条大街已被改为步行街了。 mall We went to the mall looking for a dress for the party. 我们去购物中心看看有没有聚会时可穿的套裙。 n. Practice : be in the group, be one of 是……其中之一 e.g. Li Bai and Du Fu are certainly among the world’s greatest poets. 李白和杜甫肯定能跻身世界上最伟大的诗人之列。 be among Several dozen workers were fired, and George was among them. 几十名工人被解雇了,乔治是其中之一。 Practice : give (a thing or th


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