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Computer Control Contents PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking http//: 4. What is the advantage of the closed-loop control? Exercises Ⅰ. Answer the following questions according to the passage. Closed-loop systems are very accurate. 5. What is the advantage of automatic tool changers? On most machines with automatic tool changers, the turret or magazine can rotate in either direction, forward or reverse. 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the open-loop control? The advantage of the open-loop control system is that it is less expensive and the disadvantage is the difficulty of detecting a positioning error. Exercises Ⅱ. Translate the following phrases. 1.计算机数控 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) 2.二进制码 binary codes 3.齿轮机构 gear mechanism 4.步进电动机 stepper motors 5.执行循环 execution cycle 6.DC (direct current) 直流电 7.AC (alternative current) 交流电 8.be dependent on 取决于 9.send out 发出; 发送 10.be based on 以……为基础 Exercises Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with the prope


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