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NC Technology Contents PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage A PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B PartⅠ Passage B Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking Part Ⅲ Speaking http//: 返回 Translation Passage A (1)手动编程。手动零件编程首先在零件机械图基础和加工工序上计算刀具、工件和工作台之间的尺寸关系,然后准备程序清单,其中包括进行加工操作的必要的信息,如切削用量、主轴转速、进给、背吃刀量、切削液、动力、刀具或工件的相对位置及运动,在此基础上准备零件程序。 Usually a paper tape is first prepared for typing out and debugging the program. Depending on how often it is to be used, the tape may be made of more durable mylar. Someone knowledgeable about the particular process and able to understand, read, and change part programs can do manual programming. Programming for NC Translation 返回 Translation Passage A 通常首先做出试切用的穿孔纸带,并调试程序,根据穿孔带使用的频率,也可用耐用的聚脂薄膜材料制作穿孔带。 手动零件编程需要由懂得一定工艺知识,能理解、阅读、修改零件程序的人员进行。 Because they are familiar with machine tools and process capabilities, skilled machinists can do manual programming with some training in programming, however, the work is tedious, time consuming, and uneconomical and is us


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