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乳腺癌的预后与疗效预测 乳腺癌分子标志,乳腺癌亚型在 早期乳腺癌的研究进展 2010ASCO CT vs HT (500) P53 and TAXAN (503) Subtype and response with neoadjuvant (501) PAM50 and prog/predictiv(508) RS and clinical prog/predi-RSPC(509) TOPOII a and anthracyclin(518/519) Chemotherapy (CT) versus hormone therapy (HT) as neoadjuvant treatment in luminal breast cancer: A multicenter, randomized phase II study (GEICAM/2006-03). Abstract No: 500 E. Alba, L. Calvo, J. Albanell, J. Background: Luminal breast cancer is a highly endocrine responsive disease. However, the therapeutic benefit of CT in this population is not fully characterized. This study investigates the value of CT versus HT in this luminal subgroup in a neoadjuvant setting。 T2/T3 and luminal (ER+/PR+/HER2-/cytokeratin 8/18+) N= 95 Median age was 51 years (32-74), 54% of pts were premenopausal, 23% grade I, 17% grade III, 76% T2 and 55% N0. Results unplanned analysis based on Ki67 levels (cut off of 10%). Similar clinical response was seen between arms in pts with low Ki67 (CT: 63%, HT: 58%; p = 0.7); pts with high Ki67 had a better response with CT (67% vs. 42%; p = 0.07). Grade III-IV toxicity (excluding amenorrhea) was more frequent with CT (47% CT vs. 9% HT; p = 0.0001). Luminal immunophenotype is not sufficient to identify patients that do not benefit from neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Our trial shows a trend to induce more clinical responses with CT. This trend is bigger in pts with high Ki67 levels. However responses seem to be similar in pts with low Ki67; further studies are warranted to confirm this finding. Molecular and genomic predictors of response to single-agent doxorubicin (ADR) versus single-agent docetaxel (DOC) in primary breast cancer (PBC) Abstract No: 502 M. Martin, A. Romero, J. Lopez Garcia-Asenjo Phase III trial (EORTC 10994/BIG 00-01) assessing the value of p53 using a functional assay to predict sensitivity to a taxane versus nontaxane primary chemotherapy in breast



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