SCM供应链 6-Trans-fund-07.ppt

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SCM供应链 6-Trans-fund-07

Prepared by WANG Jun qwqw Introduction Importance of an effective transportation system Transportation is often the most important single element in logistics costs. Freight movement absorbs between 1/3 and 2/3 of total logistics costs. Transportation plays in creating a high level of economic activity. Contrast the economies of developed nations and developing nations. An efficient and inexpensive transportation system contributes to greater competition in the marketplace, greater economies of scale in production, and reduced prices for goods. Transport Service A transport service is a set of performance characteristics purchased at a given price. The variety of transport services is almost limitless. 5 basic transportation modes: rail, truck, water, air, pipeline, may be used in single and combination. Transportation agencies, shipper’s associations, and brokers may be used to facilitate transport service. Small-shipments carriers may be used for their efficiency in handling small packages. Transport Service Choice The user (shipper) selects a transport service that provides the best balance between the quality and the cost of that services. Transport service may be viewed in terms of characteristics : Price Average transit time Transit time variability Loss and damage Price Price of transport service is the line-haul rate for transporting goods and any accessorial or terminal charges for additional service. For-hire service Shipper-owned service Transit time and Variability Transit time is referred to as the average time it takes for a shipment to move from its point of origin to its destination. It is best to measure transit time door-to-door. Variability referred to the differences that occur between shipments due to the effects of weather, traffic congestion, number of stop-off and differences in time to consolidate shipments. Loss and Damage Loss and damage experience is a important factor in s


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