Unit 5Canada-The True North Reading课件(人教课标必修3.ppt

Unit 5Canada-The True North Reading课件(人教课标必修3.ppt

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Unit 5Canada-The True North Reading课件(人教课标必修3

2 scanning (跳读) 4ms reading tips : It is a travelling journal (游记) so we should find out the essential items in it. (characters,places, travelling route) Characters: Places : Route: Scan the passage and find out characters ,places and their travelling route. Li Daiyu liu Qian and Danny Lin Vancouver; Draw a travelling route on the map the RockyMountains; Calgary; a wheat-growing province; Thunder Bay; The Great Lakes; Toronto Draw the traveling route of the two girls. 从中国到加拿大 金太阳新课标资源网 Unit 5Canada-The True North Reading课件(人教课标必修3 ) Unit 5 Canada—”The True North” Maple Country -- Canada How much do you know about Canada? North America Asia the largest country in the world the second largest country in the world 3rd Canada is the second largest country in the world. 9984670平方公里,居世界第二位,其中陆地面积9093507平方公里,淡水覆盖面积891163平方公里。 Leading in and Warming Up 9.98million km2 5,500km Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean United States the national flag of Canada the national anthem of Canada the French-speaking province ----Quebec languages Official languages: English and French the TV and radio in French; French restaurants; teaching in schools be done in French. fresh water the five great lakes one third of the world’s supply of fresh water resources of Canada fresh water coal oil natural gas forests fish position Rocky Mountains Grizzly bear 灰熊 Stampede (美国西部或加拿大) 一年一次的庆祝会 The cowboys have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes Thunder Bay Great Lakes most of the electricity is produced by water the Niagara fall Toronto Canada Skyline Toronto Let’s have a


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