Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard. M 9 初中4课件.ppt

Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard. M 9 初中4课件.ppt

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Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard. M 9 初中4课件

Module 9 Heroes Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard. 山东省禹城市一中 辛爱臣 Have you seen the play on TV? Teaching aims and demands: Grasp new words and key structures: adverbial clause with so, so that and because (重点) 2. To get information from the reading material about Dr Norman Bethune. (难点) 3. Attitudes: We should learn from heroes. Free talk: : Match the words with the pictures: army, treatment, Dr, front, injured, war, operate Match the words with the pictures: Canada Canadian medical treat tool What do you know about him? Work in pairs. Write five things you know about Norman Bethune. Use the words in the box to help you. army Canada China doctor hospital medical soldier travel treatment Read the passage and find the answers to these questions: What made Dr Norman Bethune a hero in China? How did Norman Bethune die? Fill in the table: Read the passage and put the events in the correct order. Born in 1890 Started hospitals and wrote books about new treatments Worked with soldiers in the First World War Invented medical tools to use outside hospitals Came to China Died Ask and answer questions. Give reasons with so that Norman Bethune / study medicine? he / go to countries with wars ? he / invent new ways to treat soldiers ? he / invent new tools for operations ? he / start new hospitals in China ? Writing become / a doctor treat / soldiers stop / so many soldiers dying help / soldiers people / have treatment The answers: _Why did he go to countries with wars? _( He went to countries with wars) so that he could treat the soldiers. 2. _Why did he invent new ways to treat soldiers? _(He invented new ways to treat soldiers) so that he could stop so many soldiers dying. 3. Why did he invent new tools for operations? _(He invented new tools for operations) so that he could help the soldiers. 4. _Why did he start new hospitals in China? _(He started new hospitals


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