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PAGE PAGE I 基于Qt音频管理系统 指导老师: 学生姓名: 日期: PAGE III PAGE I 摘 要 Qt是诺基亚开发的一个跨平台的C++图形用户界面应用程序框架。它提供给应用程序开发者建立艺术级的图形用户界面所需的所用功能。Qt是完全面向对象的,很容易扩展,并且允许真正地组件编程。 本文介绍了从分析到开发到系统的设计与测试的整个音乐播放器的生成过程,包括了4个章节,第一章为绪论,简单介绍了音乐和音频编码;第二章为系统功能,用一张用例图表达了系统所需的基本功能;第三章为系统设计,以第二章为基础详细具体的罗列出系统的每个功能;第四章为系统实现,包括了主界面,每个功能界面的截图与代码片段。 系统开发平台的介绍,具体介绍了Qt主要界面和使用方法,其中包括常用工具具体位置与使用方法和工作区的生成,项目的创建、项目中文件的添加删除、项目的编译、项目的测试等。后边几部分介绍了系统规划与分析,应用程序主界面,代码的编写与功能的实现,系统的编译与运行,最终实现了音乐播放器的功能,能对歌曲音乐进行播放和控制。 关键词:Qt、播放器、组件编程 Abstract The Nokia Qt is the development of a cross-platform C + + graphical user interface application framework. It provides application developers to build a state-of-the-art graphical user interface functionality required by. Qt is fully object oriented, and is easy to extend, and allows the real component programming. This paper introduced from the analysis to the development to system design and testing of the entire music player of the generation process, includes 4 chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, introduced a simple music and audio coding; second chapter is the system function, with a use case diagram to express the basic function; the third chapter is the system design, with second chapters based on detailed list the system each function; the fourth chapter for the realization of the system, including the main interface, the function of each interface screenshots with code snippets. The introduction to the systematic developing platform, specifically describes the Qt main interface and method of use, including the commonly used tools specific location and use method and the work area of the generation, creation of projects, project add files deleted, the project is compiled, the test project. Odd chapter introduced the system planning and analysis, the main application interface, the preparation of the code and the realization of the function, the compiler and operating system, finally achieved a music player function,


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