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志愿服务基地活动纪实 手工绘画站 活动时间 2013年2月16日 活动地点 伍连德小学 主讲人 陈丽 周密 参加人员 外来务工人员子女 活 动 纪 实 可爱的熊猫教学目的:1,通过想象画练习,学习简单的构图知识。2,进行色彩训练,形象思维训练与审美教育。 教学重点:学习熊猫的画?教学难点:学习简单的构图知识。锻炼学生的想象能力。 教具:熊猫范图。3,作画步骤: (1)先划出小画笔或小朋友的基本形。 (2)添画出画笔的花纹,还有四周的环境和背景。尽量表现出情节。(3)将整幅图涂上鲜艳美丽的颜色。三,巡回辅导。鼓励学生创造性地完成本课作业。帮助一些有困难的学生。四,进行小结。表扬画的好的学生,把他们的作品给全班同学欣赏。指出不足之处。1 教师讲解 制作泥塑人物的方法和注意事项 抓住人物的典型动态、典型表情。 不拘拟死板的比例、结构,只要生动、有趣、有创意就行。 塑造时可采用多种手法,如:捏、卷、贴、刻、按等技法,让人物形象更加的生动、丰富。 学生练习 教师指导 主要通过同学间的作品展示,谈手捏泥人的感受,谈泥人的造型是否生动有趣,有没有自己的特点,可表现的内涵,是否大胆的发挥,自己是否可再改进。教师对每一件作品都应加以鼓励。 完成作品后,全班举行一次展览,师生相互欣赏。 gradually establish a sound review and approval personnel perform their duties of supervision and inspection system. Section III contract, loan origination and the strict implementation of double payment management the Bank interview system. Double interview include: enter into a written contract with the borrower, loan documents, written contracts with the guarantor, as well as other legally binding contracts or agreements. Unless the remote branch offices and compliance department approval, institutions and personnel at gradually establish a sound review and approval personnel perform their duties of supervision and inspection system. Section III contract, loan origination and the strict implementation of double payment management the Bank interview system. Double interview include: enter into a written contract with the borrower, loan documents, written contracts with the guarantor, as well as other legally binding contracts or agreements. Unless the remote branch offices and compliance department approval, institutions and personnel at gradually establish a sound review and approval personnel perform their duties of supervision and inspection system. Section III contract, loan origination and the strict implementation of double payment management the Bank interview system. Double interview include: enter into a written contract with the borrower, loan documents, written contracts with the guarantor, as well as other legally b


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