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Meaning and Context Introduction Meaning and Context Introduction Meaning and Context Introduction Meaning and Context Introduction Meaning and Context Meaning and Context Meaning and Context Meaning and Context 石室诗士施氏,嗜狮,誓食十狮。施氏时时适市视狮。十时,适十狮适市。是时,适施氏适市。氏视是十狮,恃矢势,使是十狮逝世。氏拾是十狮尸,适石室。石室湿,氏使侍拭石室。石室拭,氏始试食是十狮。食时,始识是十狮,实十石狮尸。试释是事。 Context many a good person Context’s Restriction to meaing Diachronic Synchronic Analysis “Since she left, I have done the cook ing and baked the cakes,but mine are never good as hers.” “Nonsense, my dear; I don’t think Lissie’s cakes were any better than yours.” said Mr.Priestly loyally. ———C.E.Eckersley: Essential English Diachronic Synchronic Analysis There was no lady about him. He was what the women would call a manly man. That was why they liked him. ----------Aldous Huxley : The Giocond Smile speaker: a young mother, hearer: her mother-in-law, place: park, by a duckpond, time: sunny afternoon in September 1962. They are watching the young mother’s two-year-old son chasing ducks and the mother-in-law has just remarked that her son, the child’s father, was rather backward at this age. The young mother says, “I do think Adam’s quick. ” speaker: a student, hearer: a set of students, place: sitting around a coffee table in the refectory, time: evening in March 1980. John, one of the group, has just told a joke. Everyone laugh except Adam. Then Adam laughs. One of the students says: “I do think Adam’s quick.” Linguistic Context Lexical context refers to the words that occur together with the word in question. Consider…… 1.Some British Generals considered the attack a mistake. 2.They consider themselves to be lucky. 3.They do not consider a child asimportant. 4.I con


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