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USEFUL EXPRESSIONS (ADDITIONAL) Active reading 2: Resources 10.获得荣誉;赢得声望 11.秘密地;私下得;暗中 12.社会中坚;民族精华;优秀份子 13.因小失大;见利弃义 14.故意拖延的策略;永远做不完的工作 15.最心爱的人或珍贵的东西 10. win/gain laurels 11. under the rose 12. the salt of the Earth 13. sell ones birthright for a mess of pottages 14. a Penelopes web 15. the apple of ones eye * * * * * * * Manuscript of the Diary of Anne Frank: www.davidbarnouw.nl/annefrank_en 13:51 15-08-09; Smiling Anne Frank: 12:18 04-07-09 * Manuscript of the Diary of Anne Frank: www.davidbarnouw.nl/annefrank_en 13:51 15-08-09; Smiling Anne Frank: 12:18 04-07-09 ? USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 中等规模的 1. medium-sized Active reading 2: Resources More 2. 代表 2. on behalf of 3. in the presence of 4. establish contact 5. sign a contract 6. promote sb. to a management position 3. 有某人在场 4. 建立联系 5. 签合同 6. 提拔谁为经理 ? USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 7.小问题 Active reading 2: Resources 8. as long as 9. go-between 10. the vast majority of people 11. prevail over 12. consist of 13. extended families 7. a minor issue 8. 只要 9.中间人,调解人 10.大多数人 11.战胜,击败 12.由什么组成 13.扩展型家庭 More ? USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 14.种类不同 Active reading 2: Resources 14. be distinct from 15. hardships of life 16. owe… to 17. one-parent family 18. personal identity 19. nuclear family 20. break off 15.生活的艰辛 16.对某人有义务 17.单亲家庭 18.个人身份 19.核心家庭 20.中断某事物 Back UNIT 6 –BOOK 3 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Active reading 1: Resources 1.有一点儿进展 1. make a dent 2.站在那里一动不动 2. dead solid still 3.过山车 3. thrill ride 4.被困其中 4. stuck in the middle 5.把自己的人生 都回顾了那样 5. in any kind of life-flashing- before-my-eyes sort of way 6.令人胆战心惊的瞬间 6. chilling moment 7.中队长 7. battalion commander 8.纽约消防局 8. New York Fire Department 9.救援队 9. rescue operations USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Active reading 2: Resources More 1.联合专栏 1. syndicated column 2.一个男人的身影 2. a figure of a man 3.青少年联盟 3. the Junior League 4.上流社会 4. high society 5.心地善良 5. Big heart 6.选举权 6. right to vote 7.仕途越来越顺利 7. one’s career grows 8.人权问题 8. the civil right issues 9.重新定义 9. rewrite t


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